Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation: A Healer’s Perspective

I am a holistic intuitive energy healer, Reiki Master Teacher, and a gay male who is fed up with the current narrative on transgender affirmation.  Due to my role in helping others heal, Spirit has guided me to speak out on the current five alarm fire that is gender ideology which is overtaking society.  It has not been an easy or quick path to come to this place. I have read and studied this issue extensively and worked for five years at an HIV/AIDS nonprofit, five years at an LGBTQ primary care clinic, and a year and a half for an equity office at a major University. For years I found myself agreeing to and promoting the gender affirmation and trans activist side of this issue, to now reversing course towards the gender critical path.  I have started to see the direct harm coming to myself, women, children, LGB and even T people in my life and in society due to the spread of this social contagion.  I have read many pieces on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of this issue, but have not seen as much on the spiritual ones so I want to take some time to focus some effort on this.  Not everything that follows is strictly from Spirit or my experiences as a healer as some of it is also inspired by my experiences as a gay man living on planet Earth.  I also want to preface that nothing that follows is meant as a condemnation of people who identify as transgender or nonbinary. All humans and all souls are deserving of love, compassion, empathy, healing, and basic rights from employment to healthcare to food, water, clothing, shelter, and clean air.  Everyone should be free to love who they want (obviously based on what is moral and consensual) and love themselves as they are.  I do have a moral and ethical obligation as a healer to bring truth (which = light) to the planet and as a holistic healer, this needs to be on all levels (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical).  To be transparent about my spiritual beliefs, I do not subscribe to any religion but rather try to find the universal truths in all religious and spiritual paths.  I use the words God, Goddess, Universe, Source, Love, Light, Nature, Energy, Presence, Soul, Spirit, and Nature interchangeably as to me they are all the same thing or aspects of the same thing.  I also am aware that what I am about to write will not be able to be heard by people who do not believe in the spiritual or who might have trauma surrounding religion and spirituality, but I have freewill to speak my truth, just as all the worshipers of gender woo woo have the right to have their beliefs.

Masculine and Feminine Energies

From an energetic perspective as it pertains to energy work, there are two types of energies we all have inside of us. Yes, we ALL have both masculine and feminine energies inside of us. Some people have more masculine energies, and some people have more feminine energies, but we still all hold both. Our left side of our bodies and our right brains contain feminine energies, and our right sides of our bodies and left sides of our brains contain masculine energies. Energetically the masculine is the part of us that is more physical, logical, rational, analytical, and giving (left brain which governs our right side of the body) with our feminine energies being our more non-physical, emotional, sensitive, nurturing, creative and receiving selves (right brain which governs our left side of the body). Energetically, this is still a binary and there really is not a third “nonbinary” energy that we produce in our energy system, and to ignore or reject the fact that one has both energies in their human energy system will cause one’s energy to be off balanced and open the human body up to disease.

Some Spiritual Perspectives

Much of the spiritual information I have learned came through my spiritual awakening from reading and studying near death experiences. People who have died and come back to Earth after visiting the realms on “the other side” have been told repeatedly by guides and angels that we (in combination with assistance from our spirit guides and the spiritual realm) choose our life circumstances into which we are born for our own spiritual learning and growth. We choose our parents, our bodies, the environments we come into, and we develop a general blueprint of what lessons we want to learn in our lifetimes. We do this in partnership with Mother Earth and by coming to the physical realm, our souls make contractual obligations with what it means to come to Earth and the physical realm. We might agree to be born with an abundance of female or male energies, and those energies might not match the gender stereotype of the sex of the body we agree to be born in. This will have us appear as gender non-conforming on the earth plane, but this in no way means that we were born into the wrong body.  As a part of the physical construct of the Earth realm, there are only two sexes – male and female. This is not changeable. The idea that we can be born into wrong bodies is a spiritual myth. To reject our choice of body is to say your soul made a mistake, mother nature made a mistake, and ultimately the Universe made a mistake. These things do not make mistakes, so it is impossible to be “born in the wrong body.” Our human bodies are our temples, the physical vessels that hold our spiritual selves. To reject the body is to reject your temple as created by you yourself, nature, and Source.

Another aspect that plays heavily into both gender confusion and sexuality confusion has to do with carryover from past lives. Unfortunately, in the Western world where we are governed by the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, much of modern society has lost this important aspect of the nature of our spiritual selves and thus this is not considered. A large percentage of people who are homosexual, bisexual, or gender nonconforming are this way due to a spillover from recent past lives. More specifically, the most recent past life or several past lives were often lives lived as the opposite sex or as a non-heterosexual orientation. This does not mean we were “born in the wrong body,” but rather it is simply a matter of us adjusting to our new lives in the construct and conditions we came down into in the present life. There is no problem spiritually with us coming down to earth as gender non-conforming. I would argue that it is MORE important for us to learn to love and accept ourselves as we are (gender non-conforming and sexed human bodies) and not try to change ourselves physically. This provides souls with a tremendous opportunity to practice self-love AS WE ARE rather than trying to be something we cannot physically be. It also has the potential for initiating immense societal change by smashing gender stereotypes and gender constructed roles that have been developed on Earth for millennia by challenging the status quo to show that men and women do not have to conform to a gender stereotype. This is the ultimate way we can “smash the patriarchy,” fight homophobia and misogyny and bring balance to Earth.

Gender: A Mental, Emotional, and Social Construct

I remember criticizing JK Rowling with everyone else I knew without having even read anything she wrote on the issue. When I started to awaken to my concerns about gender stuff myself, I went back and read what she originally wrote on this and found it thoughtful, polite, caring, and not overly controversial. I remember thinking “this is what everyone is in an uproar over?” She just seemed like she was speaking her truth from the heart as well as many actual truths about biology and sex that cannot be ignored. When I started looking into this more, I remember the moment the wheels fell off the gender ideology train, and I felt like a spell had been released. It was a very physical visceral reaction, and it was surreal to go through. That moment was when I realized that A. gender and sex are different and most of society keeps trying to conflate them and that B. one of the biggest causes of division over this issue is that a good chunk of the population wants to pretend sex does not exist while gender is all that matters.

While some things do come easier or more naturally to one sex vs. the other sex, gender is largely a mental, emotional, and social construct created by humans on earth. It is almost exclusively made up of stereotypes of what “a woman should be” and “what a man should be.” On Earth, men are to be self-sufficient, tough, rational, aggressive, hypersexual, physical, strong, and the breadwinners of a household, while women are to be polite, accommodating, meek, receptive, emotional, virginal, nurturing, homemakers. Men are to wear pants and suits and women are to wear makeup, high heels, dresses, and skirts. Boys are interested in things like sports, trucks, guns, video games, and the military while girls are interested in dolls, the arts, romance, clothes, hair, and makeup. Gender non-conforming people are people who do not fit the stereotypes imposed on them by their minds, emotions, and societal rules, rules as to what should be normal for them based on their sex according to what society or the mind dictates. The more I thought about this, the more absurd it seemed to me. I do not live my life subscribing to conform myself to a plethora of stereotypes. For what it is worth, I am fairly gender non-conforming in many ways. I much prefer the stereotypical female activities, am extremely emotional, sensitive, and intuitive, and have spent most of my life befriending and hanging out with women. I now wholeheartedly reject the gender construct and do not want to organize or label my life around it. Any person of any sex can do whatever gender stereotypes make them happy. People should just be themselves and not worry about how others perceive them. Furthermore, it is these regressive stereotypes being pushed on people that take us backwards and that move us away from equality for both the sexes. Gender ideology reifies gender stereotypes as something to identify with which pushes us away from trying to create a society where both sexes have equal opportunities. It maintains the status quo for what male and female roles in society are “supposed to be” which is a breeding ground for more misogyny and inequality.

I always hear from trans rights activists that gender is a spectrum and that anyone can fall anywhere on that spectrum.  This idea that everyone has a special amount of their own magical gender makeup immediately renders defining one’s gender meaningless.  This would mean that every single person on planet earth has a different unique gender makeup which apparently also needs to be labeled.  If we are just going to give everyone their own special gender label, what is the point? 

Sex: A Biological Reality in the Physical Realm

Sex on the other hand is a biological reality in the physical realm. Our human bodies are divided into one of two sexes, male or female. Apparently, we are to the point of having to explain Biology 101 now so I will.  Males produce smaller gametes (sperm), and females produce larger gametes (ova/eggs) for the purposes of reproduction.  Male bodies generally have male organs such as a penis, prostate, testicles, and scrotum and produce higher levels of testosterone while females generally have body parts like ovaries, vaginas, and uteruses and produce larger amounts of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. In mammals, males have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes. It does not matter what you wear or what gender stereotypes you conform to, your sex is immutable and unchangeable. Even in intersex people who have physical disorders that cause some of these sex characteristics to be confused (this is different than gender dysphoria which is a mental health condition rather than a physical health condition), one can still tell what sex an intersex person is from medical testing. Ultimately, these categories need to be maintained because they describe human sex and reproduction in the physical realm as that is the primary purpose of these descriptions. We use words for communication and words have meaning.  It does not matter what one “thinks” or “feels” about their gender; their sex is unchangeable. Thoughts and feelings are not facts. 

Sex is an earth plane truth that cannot be ignored or rejected and to do so will cause disease in the energy system. We have an entire chakra dedicated to keeping us grounded on the physical plane (the root chakra). To ignore our physical reality makes us ungrounded, disembodied, and disassociated physically and energetically. It is my job as a healer to heal holistically (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually), and I refuse to sacrifice the physical body’s health in a client for the sake of mental and emotional health. I do not believe it is kind or healing to bury one’s head in the sand and lie to people to appease people’s mental and emotional beliefs. Lying to someone is harmful and abusive. Transgender women are men and transgender men are women, full stop.

We cannot change any of our other physical traits that we are born with so why should we cave in and redefine sex? Several years ago, a woman named Rachel Dolezal was absolutely trashed by society and the media for having “identified” as a Black woman even though she is White. This issue is no different. It does not matter if you put colored contacts on, your eyes are still the same color. I would love to be able to fly or breathe underwater, but the fact is I cannot. It is impossible because I am not a bird or a fish. Stating biological facts is not “transphobic.”  It is the construct we agreed to before we came to Earth. Finally, while gender is mostly a pile of stereotypes, there are very real differences between the sexes (for one, men are generally physically stronger) and this impacts everything we are seeing so many arguments about right now from bathroom and locker room spaces to prisons to women’s sports. These are valid concerns because sex is a biological physical reality.

Sexual Orientation: Sex not Gender

I reject gender as a construct for organizing my life around and thus I do not include it in the definition of sexual orientation (which of course literally contains the word sex within it). However, we are now seeing a movement to change the definition of sexual orientation to mean being attracted to the gender stereotype of male or female instead of the sex of male or female. All the major LGBTQ nonprofits such as HRC and the Trevor Project have moved to this definition which allows trans men (female sexed people) to identify as gay men and trans women (male sexed people) to identify as lesbians. This has completely destroyed the meaning of sexual orientation which renders it useless. I will use myself as an example. I am a gay male. I am attracted to gay men (male sexed people) only. To be blunt, I do not want date, marry, or have sex with vaginas. I am attracted to and turned on by male bodies and functioning natural penises only. This new definition of “gay man” has now left me sorting through and rejecting trans men left and right on dating apps because I do not want this, and I am not even allowed to tell people one word of why they are being rejected or I will get banned from the apps.

I have been called transphobic because I do not want trans men in my dating and sex life.  It took me decades to come to terms with my own sexuality, accept myself, and heal the shame around these issues and now society is trying to reverse my own healing process and erase my sexual orientation?  I have heard some say, “you just haven’t found the right trans man yet.” This just sounds like the same argument gay men hear from right wing religious bible thumpers (“you haven’t found the right woman yet”) except now it is coming from the political left wing.  I have lesbian friends who cannot find any other lesbians to date because this ideology has become so pervasive.  I would argue that any gay man who can have sex with a female sexed person and any lesbian who can have sex with a male sexed person is not gay or lesbian.  They are bisexual which is totally fine, and there is nothing wrong with it.  Bisexuality is beautiful!  For some reason these people cannot admit that they like the opposite sex at least a little bit which screams biphobia to me.  We are now at a point where it is considered “transphobic” to even use the word bisexual because “pansexual” is more “inclusive.”  Bisexual invisibility has often been an issue in modern times and now here we go with bisexuality being erased once again.   


When referring to sex, there is no “nonbinary.” There is only male and female. There are no other sexes as all humans are one or the other.  If someone wants to argue intersexed people fall into both because they have characteristics from both sexes, I would still say there are only two sexes and not some mythical brand-new non-female or non-male genitals or gametes that we have discovered. Being an individual who is neither sex is not a possibility on planet Earth.

From an energetic and spiritual perspective, as mentioned above, all humans contain both male and female energies. As souls who live many lives, we have all lived lives as both male and female (unless you are a brand-new soul in your first several lives on Earth maybe). Our souls are all sparks of God which contains all the female and all the male energies. It would be more accurate to say we are both ends of the binary than to say we are neither of them. The only way nonbinary works is if you only subscribe to gender, and you decide you do not like to be considered either the male or female gender stereotypes.  Also, we need to stop demonizing binaries.  The natural world and the Universe are chock-full of binaries.  Binaries are beautiful too!


There has been a movement in recent years to use the word queer as an umbrella term for all LGBTQ+ people. I reject this term for multiple reasons. First, the word has a history of being a slur which has been used to denigrate, bully, and cause violence to LGBT people for quite a long time. There are many (particularly older LGBT people) who find this word offensive. I have trauma and experiences around being violently bullied and having hate crimes committed against me using this word where it was said hand in hand with the word faggot and the like so the constant use of this word triggers PTSD in me and feels like a microaggression. We would not call everyone in the Black community the N word, so we need to realize that not everyone in the LGBT community likes the Q word or wants to be identified with it. Second, the word used to literally translate to “strange” or “odd,” and I never want to associate my sexual orientation with those words as homosexuality is a completely normal and natural state on Earth.

Finally, queer has become an all-encompassing word which allows anyone with any nontraditional definition of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transexual to be able to assimilate and become a part of the “queer” community. We now have label after label and flag after flag to allow everyone into the community (including straight people, gender conforming people, and every sexual fetish imaginable). The LGBTQ movement is starting to feel like an ego-based movement where we affirm and include every sexual desire and mental gender construct.  Ultimately, it appears it will not stop until every single person on the planet gets their own letter and flag. You are attracted to people’s minds and intellect? You get a flag! You are attracted to someone emotionally? You get a flag! You are drawn to a good sense of humor? Here’s your flag and label too! Do you like long walks on the beach?  Boom flag!  Also, this obsession with labels and flags is becoming very cultlike.  I see no difference between adorning your house, car, business, and clothing with pride flags or with Trump and MAGA flags.  I believe we have reached the proverbial Ouroboros where the extreme right and extreme left have met – the snake eating its own tail so to speak.  Ultimately, I would like to see humanity move beyond symbols and labels for identity. Also, as a political movement, the more you include everyone, the more it waters down the power of a political movement. It is a bit like saying “All Lives Matter.”  Simply put, if everyone is included, it no longer means anything so why bother?  Sex and sexual orientation are supposed to be exclusive as that is the point of labeling it.

Gender Affirmation and Medicalization of Children

I am seriously concerned about the pushing of gender ideology and medical transitioning onto children. While as a healer I would probably not recommend most anyone to medically transition, I really take issue with what is being done with children. Many whistleblowers have come forward who have worked in the gender industry (not to mention the many experiences of people who have detransitioned) to condemn many of the practices of gender affirmation in children. Kids are being taught gender ideology at younger and younger ages before they even begin to know who they are. I do not believe young children can say they are another sex. If children begin to tell their parents they are a different sex, this can be due to them remembering their past lives when they were an opposite sex. There have been so many documented cases of children remembering their careers, families, friends, cultures, and even how they died in their previous lives. Many times, this bleeds over when we are born, and it can take some time for them to work it out. It does great damage to a child’s psyche to just roll over and tell a child they are right and transition them to another gender stereotype rather than tell them the physical reality that in this life they are the sex they are and that that is ok, but still unchangeable. Also, children have wild imaginations. Are we really going to go down the path of letting our little children tell us what reality is on Earth and the physical realm?  What happened to parents teaching children about the realities of life in the physical realm?

Gender identity beliefs usually develop way before sexual orientation in children.  So many gender non-conforming kids are just lesbian, gay, or bisexual people who will not discover this until they go through puberty (a process which generally resolves gender dysphoria in most people) as that is when most people figure out their sexual orientation. I have serious concerns we are transing away the gay in many, many children before they can even discover their sexual orientations.

I take issue with the state and schools deciding that parents have no say in their children’s growth and development. The idea that parents should not be informed about a child’s gender dysphoria or that they have considered changing their pronouns or name at school is deeply disturbing. The most important relationship in a child’s life should be the parent/child one and not the state/child one. Not to say that parents are all good because God knows many are terrible but withholding critical info about their child’s mental/emotional health from them is not ok.

The fact that there are so many detransitioners is disconcerting.  I would argue that if there is even one person who regrets making the decision to transition then there needs to be extremely strict safeguarding to make sure people are making appropriate decisions about what to do with their human bodies to manage their gender dysphoria.  We should be treating mental health problems with mental health care whenever possible, rather than using human created drugs and surgeries to solve mental health problems.  It is unacceptable to allow people to mutilate their completely healthy bodies with unnatural surgeries and drugs when there is a chance people are going to regret their decisions. If people want to talk about suicide risks, here is a prime candidate for a higher suicide risk.

Lastly, I do not agree with giving kids experimental medical treatments which will harm the body permanently in the name of mental/emotional health. First, many children who are put on these drugs have serious trauma and mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, autism, sexual assault, PTSD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, or suicidal ideations. Our mental health industry assumes all these mental health problems are only the result of the fact they have gender dysphoria, and because we have created a society of affirm first ask questions later, therapists are not allowed to explore these issues thoroughly to see if perhaps these issues are causing the gender dysphoria and not the other way around. Kids are then put on puberty blockers (like birth and death, puberty is a natural process that all humans should go through) which cause all sorts of medical problems (decreased bone density for instance) and then hormones (which again cause loads of side effects such as blood clots and strokes) and then many move on to gender confirming surgeries which involve any number of painful and debilitating procedures, which are often unsuccessful, dangerous, and will remove the ability to reproduce, breast feed, or ever have a sexual orgasm. If an adult wants to go down this path of their own free will fine, but if children are not allowed to drink alcohol and smoke, why would we let them do this of all things? We do not treat other body dysmorphic mental health problems this way, such as telling anorexics that they absolutely should go on diets and get liposuction. 

The most common argument I hear for allowing this ideology in children is that “if I don’t do this and agree to their demands, thoughts, and feelings, they will commit suicide” (or parents are told they must do this by therapists and doctors because if they do not their child will commit suicide). So, we are supposed to withhold truth about physical reality because a child “might” commit suicide? This is akin to agreeing to a terrorist’s demands because they are threatening to murder people. Suicide cannot and should not be used as a threat, and we owe our children better care than to allow them to destroy their healthy bodies to become slaves to the medical industrial complex for the rest of their lives, especially when the onslaught of nature will never give up trying to make a person’s sex be a person’s sex because again it is unchangeable.  Follow the money regarding this specific industry and you will see who is making big money off it and promoting it. People have done so already, and the answers are not pretty, but not surprising.

Deeper Woo Woo

Finally, I am going to briefly mention some additional spiritual concerns. First, we must be careful and discerning when we start down many of these social justice movements. I am not saying it is not important to work on things like not being racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, misogynistic, etc. What I do want to say is that many of these movements have become borderline authoritarian in their pursuit for justice and equality. Instead of bringing people together to find solutions to these problems, many of these movements seek to divide us, pit us against one another, stereotype us, and label us into monolithic groups. People are painted as oppressors or victims, and nobody shall ever leave their group. Oppressors will always oppress, and victims must always be the victim while no real healing can ever take place. They seek to say that all people in the same category are no longer individuals with their own rich histories, experiences, and ideas but rather all must be identified as belonging to a group. One false move by anyone deemed an oppressor, and they are committing an often exaggerated “act of violence” which makes everyone feel “unsafe.” So many of these movements seek to lock people in their victim states reliving their trauma over and over again, energetically living in their pain bodies in a never-ending cycle. In many ways, there is a movement to elevate the victims and denigrate the oppressors ultimately creating a role reversal (which if allowed to go on long enough) creates the exact same energies as before: victims become oppressors and oppressors become victims. Two wrongs do not make a right.  I have repeatedly heard people use terms like “white,” “male,” “cis,” and “hetero” as slurs towards people.  I have seen those people discounted and not allowed to voice an opinion or a thought in progressive circles. I am all for creating space for people who have been traditionally marginalized but not at the expense of others.  I do not feel like it is moral or ethical to cancel people for having an opinion. I do not feel like it is moral or ethical to dox people or get them fired and socially ostracized for making a mistake, or having an opinion or idea that does not jive with the group think of the masses. I do not think it is ok to ban and censor ideas, art, books, and history (and both the political left and right do this) because someone might be offended.  We are all one people, and we are all learning and growing together.  And ultimately again, I bring up past lives.  We have ALL been all the races, both sexes, and all the sexualities.  We have all been the oppressors and the victims throughout history.  It does not make sense to demonize anyone because they happen to have a certain skin color, sex, or sexual orientation while living on planet Earth.  And all people are not all the same as everyone in their assigned group.  It all comes down to love and respect.  We are all ONE humanity on this side and on the other side after we die. What we do to ourselves, we do to others.  What we do to others, we do to ourselves. 

Finally, without giving too much energy to this, there are dark forces that reside both in the physical realm and outside the physical realm who seek to pit humanity against each other and watch us destroy each other. Divide and conquer is the ultimate strategy for maintaining power and control over the masses. Their most powerful weapon is to use race, sex, and gender against us. Lastly, they are trying to disconnect us from our greatest power, both our connection to Source as spiritual beings and from our physical reality on planet earth. They seek to control nature, lie about nature, defy nature, and use it against us. They want us to be distracted and addicted to television, movies, music, video games, social media, smart phones, books, fantasy, ego, computers, science, technology, AI, thoughts, and feelings.  To free yourself from this, I say always go back to nature. She is our ultimate teacher, and she will show us what is important and where we should look to go next as humans. Ultimately know this, there is so much light, love, and truth pouring out on this planet right now. The dark forces will lose no matter how hard they try. Focus on the love and light in life and stay grounded on planet earth so you do not get dragged down in the muck with them while they get purged from the planet kicking and screaming as we move into the coming age of enlightenment.

In Peace,


News/Updates/Happy Holidays!

First, I want to wish you and your family, friends, pets and loved ones a magical solstice, a very happy holidays, and a fantastic New Year filled with love, light, happiness, and health. It has been a few months since I have been able to write but thought it would be a good time to give some business and blog updates.

As I have been writing this blog throughout the past year, I have realized that my main intention for this part of my business is to teach and pass along my spiritual learning to others. I have accumulated and learned a lot of spiritual knowledge and wisdom over the years, and I want to share it to help both others and the planet itself to heal. I am approaching this as a spiritual 101 book…like if I were to drop dead and people wanted to read an overview of what I learned spiritually from my time here on the planet, this is what it would be. We are in the middle of one of the biggest transitions and upgrades humanity and planet Earth have gone through in many millennia, and part of my earthly mission as instructed by my guides and my Soul was to come here and experience it, to heal myself, and to heal and teach others and the planet in order to assist with the transition. If you are reading this, you too came here for this time period. We are in the time when the dark is going to fade away and the structures, dogma, lies, manipulation, power, greed, and entrenched belief systems (which have no validity in truth or reality) are going to continue to fall away (yes this is what has been happening so intensely the past several years/decade and it will continue to intensify). As these things fall away this makes space for the new to come in. The Earth and all of its beings are being upgraded, having their vibrations raised, so that we will all be able to hold more light and love in our human energy systems. We are moving to a golden age/new age of enlightenment that will take many decades (maybe even centuries to play out), but we are here to witness and participate in the process. Now is the time to be able to heal, to create whatever we want, to break free of constraints and live the lives of love, light, and happiness that we were meant to live. Humanity is climbing the evolutionary ladder in our great experiment as spiritual beings to bring heaven down to Earth herself. I listened to a wonderful video from Lee Harris yesterday, another energy intuitive I follow who channeled messages from his guides, that resonated well with what I feel in my gut is happening. See said video here. Or you can also read/listen to my post here which talks about this some. The next three years are going to be wild, exciting, and intense!

Being as my blog is also a podcast which allows me to delineate it into seasons, think of the episodes/posts I have done so far this year as season 1. I have needed a creative break which I think is healthy for everyone to do from time to time (and for me the winter months are good for that). Season 2 is in development and will debut early next year sometime, probably closer to February or March. What will season 2 contain? I am developing some ideas right now but expect to see posts on intuition and intuitive development, manifestation, abundance, intentions, gratitude, judgement, karma, trust, faith, surrender, freewill, fate, crystals, tarot, power, fear, and basic tools for space/home/work clearing. I know my YouTube has been dead, but I plan on starting a joint monthly video/podcast series with a dear friend of mine, and we are creating a virtual healing and spiritual center which we purchased the website domain for and will launch later next year (with hopes that we can have more healing partners to join with us virtually, and maybe even have a physical location at some point). I am in the process of creating some free chakra healing videos infused with energy work, mantras, and sound healing so that when you watch the videos you will be able to receive healing, opening, and clearing in each of your chakras (there is no time and space on the other side so this is absolutely possible…I’ve done it and it works). I’ll dive into each chakra more extensively in a post on my blog too as I release these.

Finally, in case you are bored, I want to leave you with this table of contents/overview of all my blog posts/podcasts from the previous year in case you missed some and would like to go back and read and/or listen. Just click the links below. The links to listen are at the top of each post.

  1. Happy Birthday to Me! – Birthday post describing my spiritual journey, the opening of my new healing and spiritual teaching practice and introducing people to my blog.
  2. Blog Intentions, “Pseudoscience” and the Age of Aquarius – More about my intentions for my blog, my response to skeptics, and info about the new age we are in.
  3. The G Word. – What God actually is, and the equation I made to help understand it (GOD = LIGHT = LOVE = ENERGY = LIFE = EVERYTHING = PRESENCE)
  4. Love One Another, Sisters and Brothers! – All about LOVE!
  5. What Is This Energy Work Anyway? – Intro to energy work and the type of healing I use in my sessions.
  6. Earth Day and Reverence for Life – Exactly what the title says.
  7. 13 Ways to Treat Your Body Like a Temple – Tips for physical health.
  8. What Happens When You Are Dead – When life is over, this is what happens to all of us.
  9. 10 Spiritual Reasons For Getting Your Sleep – Exactly what the title says.
  10. The S Word. – What Satan actually is, and the equation I made to help understand it (SATAN = DARKNESS = LACK OF LOVE = LOW VIBRATION = SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE = EGO)
  11. The Meaning and Purpose of Life and Humanity – Why we choose to come live lives on Earth.
  12. 2020 and the Shift to the New Earth – A reflection on the what we all went through in 2020 (and continue to go through), and where it is leading us to which is a new age of enlightenment, healing, peace, truth, and love on the planet.
  13. 11:11, Synchronicity, and the Flow of the Universe – A discussion of the phenomenon of people seeing repeating numbers all over the planet, and what in means to be in synch with the flow of Life and the Universe.
  14. The Body System Left Out of Health Class Part 1 – Intro to the aura and how disease manifests in the physical body (including specific body parts and systems).
  15. The Body System Left Out in Health Class: Part 2 – Chakras, meridians, and nadis.
  16. The Body System Left Out of Health Class Part 3 – How to take care of your energy system.
  17. How Old is Your Soul? – Discusses the evolution of our souls through reincarnation and what groups make up the various types of soul ages on the Earth.
  18. Astrology 101: The Zodiac – What the title says.
  19. Astrology 101: The Planets and Retrogrades – What the title says.
  20. Astrology 101: The Houses and Aspects – What the title says.
  21. Astrology 101: Lunar Cycles, Nodes, Eclipses, and Chart Compatibility – What the title says.

Much gratitude and many blessings!

Tony the Rainbow Healer

Astrology 101: Lunar Cycles, Nodes, Eclipses, and Chart Compatibility

Today it is time for my final Astrology 101 post (part 1 is here, part 2 is here, and part 3 is here), and I want to discuss moon things and stuff and also chart compatibility and synastry.

Lunar Cycles

The moon affects us here on Earth in many ways such as with time, light, and tides. Our bodies are about 60% water so if the moon can move the oceans, it does make one wonder what all it is doing to the water inside of us! It has been well documented that people can become a little “loony” during new and full moon cycles, and the female menstrual cycle can also attune itself to coincide with the cycles of the moon. In the next few sections, I want to talk about some of the ways astrology can be used to look at how the moon affects us as humans.

Full Moon vs. New Moon

For every month of the zodiac, there is generally one full moon and one new moon. The new moon is when the moon is conjunct (or aligned in the same zodiac sign) as the sun in the sky. The full moon is when the moon is opposite the sign the sun is in. For example, during the month when the sun is in Taurus, there will be a new moon in Taurus and a full moon in Scorpio (the opposite sign of Taurus). When the sun is in Scorpio, this pattern will be reversed with the new moon being in Scorpio and the full moon being in Taurus. Every zodiac sign gets at least one full moon in their sign and one new moon in their sign each year.

  • New Moon – The new moon is about new beginnings and renewal. This is a great time to set intentions, start new endeavors, initiate new plans, start new jobs, go on new dates, meet new people, go new places, etc. The key word here is new. While sometimes new is just something new from out of the blue, sometimes new means letting go of something to move forward into a new space or way of being.
  • Full Moon – Approximately two weeks after the new moon comes the full moon. The full moon is symbolic with completion. It is a time to let go and release. This can be happy or somber such as celebrating or mourning endings, completing tasks, letting go of relationships that no longer serve us, reflecting, pausing, and going within. It can be a good time to purge, clean, cleanse, and heal. The full moon will often illuminate information we did not know that has been hiding. These shadows and secrets sometimes come to the surface to have the light shone on them to be revealed to us.

In astrology each new moon starts off a six-month cycle that is not completed until the full moon is in the same sign six months later. So, to use the example from above, the new moon in Taurus will start off a six-month cycle that won’t be completed until the full moon in Taurus six months later. During each full or new moon throughout the year, you can look at which zodiac signs they fall in and then it can hint at themes humanity as a whole will be working on, or you can look at your individual chart and see where the new and full moons fall to find out what in your life is starting anew or coming to completion in each cycle. This is a fantastic way to work with the energy of the moon and plan your life as a partner with the moon, rather than to be taken by surprise and be at the mercy of the moon’s energetic shifts.


Eclipses happen about four to six times a year, coming in two different timeframes during a year (astrologers will often say something like “It’s eclipse season this month!). Eclipses are basically supercharged new moon or full moons. It’s like a normal new moon or full moon times three.

  • Solar Eclipses – Solar eclipses are new moons. They happen when the moon is conjunct the sun, and the moon moves in between the Earth and the sun so that it eclipses out the light from the sun here on Earth. All the same themes above for the new moon apply here but are significantly more intense. Often the Universe will use these opportunities to create dramatic unexpected shifts for us to see new ways forward in our lives. Solar eclipses force us to get unstuck and help us to find new pathways. They can illuminate areas we are lacking in our life and help spur us forward to create the lives we want and to receive the abundance we seek as souls creating lives here on Earth.
  • Lunar Eclipses – Lunar eclipses are full moons. They happen when the moon is opposite the sun, and the Earth comes between the sun and the moon, creating a shadow over the face of the moon as it appears here on Earth. Again, these are extremely amplified full moons so the full moon description above applies here. Lunar eclipses tend to be extremely emotional times as we shed and let go of that which no longer serves us in our lives. Often these things can pertain to relationships with other humans and beings as new information comes to light about others in our family, friends, romantic partnerships, animal companionships, and workplaces. This is the Universe’s way of clearing out items in our life in order to move us forward.

Both solar and lunar eclipses can bring either pleasant and exciting changes or they can bring stressful and emotional Debbie Downer type events that must be dealt with. It really depends on what needs to enter or leave your life at any given time and what energies are at play with a particular eclipse and your chart. I personally find it helpful to deal with these energies by surrendering to the Universe and trusting that It knows better what I need for my life, my soul growth, and my soul lessons than what me and my personality or ego thinks is best. Another good rule of thumb is to try to avoid planning major events, activities, and new endeavors during an eclipse period because you won’t know what the eclipse period will bring in your life until it arrives. You might need to make space in your life to deal with the issues an eclipse brings up. Events brought on by eclipses can sometimes occur a month to the day before or a month to the day after an eclipse so that is more useful info to keep in mind. Finally, unless situations require it, I would let the dust settle for at least a week after an eclipse before making any major decisions or changes in your life. It is best to wait to gather your emotions, thoughts, and further information before making a rash and hasty decision.

Lunar Nodes

The lunar nodes are the points in the sky where the Moon and Sun cross paths, and this happens at both a south point and a north point. This is the area of the sky where the eclipses happen each year and the nodes change signs every 1.5 years or so. Using Scorpio and Taurus again, when the nodes are in Taurus and Scorpio (they are always in opposing signs at the same time), that means that for that 1.5 year period, the eclipses will be occurring when both the sun and moon are in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This tells us about the areas in our lives that we need to work on over the next one and a half years as well as what we need to release, and the subsequent eclipses in these signs will help bring that info forward to be addressed. These themes of the nodes at a given time refer both to us personally and our specific chart themes and to society as a whole and whatever lessons humanity is working on. Furthermore, the north and south nodes have even deeper meaning in an astrological birth chart.

  • South Node – The south node is about karma and past lives. It is where we have come from and is the baggage and lessons we have brought with us into this current incarnation. Often times the themes of our south node by house and zodiac sign in our natal chart will feel easy, like we have been there done that before. That’s because we have!
  • North Node – The north node is more about fate and destiny. It is where we are working towards going in our current lives and includes the lessons we came here to make progress on. It shows the way forward for our soul’s progression and growth in our lives.

Chart Compatibility

Ok, now that I’ve finished moon stuff, the last thing I would like to discuss is chart compatibility or synastry. This is probably a hot topic for people wondering “what sign should I date?!” and so forth. Contrary to popular belief, there are not certain Sun signs that each individual is only compatible with. It is very chart specific. In fact, I would never rule out dating someone based solely on a Sun sign. Most Sun signs can date most other Sun signs if there are other really good conditions indicated by the entire chart comparison. Obviously, there are different types of relationships too, so things vary based on whether the people are friends, dating, partners, parents, children, and so forth. Ultimately, chart compatibility comes down to energy, and one of the biggest energetic rules is that like energy attracts like energy. Taking the astrology out of it and just looking at energy…who are the people we are closest to in our lives? Those that have the same interests, needs, desires, hobbies, communication styles, etc. With dating and romantic partnerships as well a friendships and work relationships (and certainly with family relationships) other factors can come into play such as body chemistry and physical attraction for romantic dating or karmic and past life connections with pretty much anyone. Now if we take this same rule into astrology the same thing plays out. We tend to be more compatible with people who have charts that are more similar to ours. We also tend to be more compatible with people who have aspects that are more harmonious with our birth charts.

For example, if we are just looking at the Sun sign alone, say you are a Sagittarius Sun sign. You will probably be more compatible with other fire signs (Leo and Aries) because they are in your same element, and those signs will form a trine (a harmonious aspect) to your Sun sign. You might also be compatible with Libra and Aquarius (air signs but they are also masculine signs just like your fire sign). Libra and Aquarius are also sextile (another harmonious aspect) to Sagittarius bringing in more compatibility. Please look back at my previous astrology posts if this is confusing to you. Sagittarius might be drawn to other mutable signs like itself such as Pisces and Virgo (remember like attracts like), however these signs form squares to Sagittarius which is a more challenging aspect. Finally, compatibility with opposite signs (Gemini in this case) or the same sign (other Sagittarius people) can go either way. Oppositions tend to be less harmonious, but there is something to the opposites attract theory because opposites can provide each other with attributes the other person is lacking. The opposite sign will always be in the same gender so again there is more similarity. As for dating your own sign, that is a conjunction. Sometimes this is a match made in heaven and sometimes dating someone too similar is too boring or doesn’t provide the necessary soul growth we need in our lives. If you really want to dive deep into compatibility, I suggest always looking at the big three (Sun, Moon, Ascendant) and the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) in both charts and comparing them to each other.

In case this helps, here is a list of some positive tidbits to look for when comparing charts:

  • Compare the Sun signs (signs of the same element or same gender are generally compatible).
  • Compare the Moon signs (signs of the same element or same gender are generally compatible).
  • Your Moon sign is the same as the other person’s Sun (or vice versa).
  • Your Sun sign is the same as the other’s Ascendant (or vice versa).
  • Your Sun sign is opposite the other’s Ascendant (or vice versa).
  • Your Sun sign is the same sign as the other’s tenth house sign (or vice versa) as this means you both mix career and love well.
  • Your Sun sign is trine or sextile (so the same element or gender) as your partner’s Ascendant (or vice versa).

And the following Mars and Venus attributes indicate a powerful sexual attraction:

  • Your Venus and your partner’s Mars (or vice versa) are in the same sign.
  • Your Venus is in the same sign as your partner’s Ascendant (or vice versa).
  • Your Venus is in your partner’s Sun sign (or vice versa)
  • Your Mars is in your partner’s Moon sign (or vice versa)

And this concludes my four-part mini astrology lesson!

Astrology 101: The Houses and Aspects

Welcome to part 3 of my Astrology 101 series! Part one is here and part two is here.


Another basic part of looking at an astrological chart besides looking at planets and zodiac signs is looking at the houses.  The planets represent the what in a chart, while the zodiac signs represent the how, and the houses represent the where.  The AstroTwins, two of my favorite astrologers, describe this as a movie or play with the planets being the actors, the zodiac being the roles they play or costumes they wear, and the houses being the settings or scenes. Here is a picture of what the houses look like:

You can see from the picture above that an astrological chart looks somewhat like a clock divided up into 12 sections or houses.  The first house starts about halfway down the left side of the circle (9 on a clock) and then the numbers of the houses move chronologically counterclockwise around the circle from that point.  The first house corresponds to the first sign in the Zodiac year (Aries) and then moves chronologically counterclockwise around the circle until you get to the twelfth house which corresponds to the last sign in the Zodiac year (Pisces).  This is an easy way to know which sign rules each house and to get a gist of what each house pertains to.  For example, the first house is ruled by Aries and Mars; Aries is the sign of self; the first house is thus known as the house of self. Please note that any planet and sign can fall in any house in a chart. What I am saying is that the energy of the first house is like the energies and archetypes of Mars and Aries. Why are houses important?  In the natal chart, the location of planets in houses tend to indicate where an individual will face challenges and opportunities for growth and learning in life.  The following is a brief description of each of the houses.

First House – Self:  The cusp of this house (or the point between the 12th and 1st houses) is known as the Ascendant or Rising sign (see previous post), and it is one of the most important points in a person’s astrological chart.  This is the most personal and powerful house in a chart.  As the house of self, it will indicate how you present yourself to the world and how others see you.  It can indicate personality, mannerisms, temper, likes and dislikes, physical appearance, what you want in life, and how you get what you want.  It is the Aries house and is ruled by Mars.

Second House – Possessions and Money:  This is the house of money and possessions. This house rules over what you own, will acquire, your income, your financial outlook, and what sort of objects you surround yourself with, collect, and take through your life with you.  It indicates how you feel about material possessions and wealth in general.  It can hint at your earning power and financial potential and how good you are with money.  It can show what activities and hobbies could be lucrative sources of income for you.  Self-worth and basic values are also seen in this house.  It is the Taurus house and is ruled by Venus.

Third House – Communication:  This is the house of communication.  It relates to self-expression, family ties, and day-to-day travel.  This indicates how you speak, write, and think.  Logic, memory, skills, early education, studying and learning abilities and habits, and interactions with the media are shown here.  Short trips (especially for work and education) and the vehicles that transport you for this type of travel are governed here.  The nature of relationships with sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and neighbors are shown here.  It is the Gemini house and is ruled by Mercury.

Fourth House – Family and Home:  This is the house of home, family, and roots.  This house shows the type of home you had in your childhood and your relationship with your parents as well as what comes from your ancestors.  It indicates the type of home you make for yourself in the present including domestic affairs, real estate holdings, and ownership of land.  This house dictates the type of housing you seek in the future and rules the closing years of your life and the security you seek in old age.  Home may also not be physical in that this house also represents what you keep protected and secluded from the world (be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual).  Generally, this is the house that pertains to our mother and the maternal aspects in all of us.  It is the Cancer house and is ruled by the Moon.

Fifth House – Creativity and Sex:  This is the house of creativity, sex, and pleasure.  This is the house that rules children, entertainment, holidays, amusements, the arts and artistic expression, love affairs and romance, new undertakings in life, speculation, gambling, games, hobbies, fun, drama, costumes, and adornments.  This is the house that indicates our ability to enjoy ourselves in life.  It is the Leo house and is ruled by the Sun.

Sixth House – Service and Health:  This is the house of service to others and of our personal health.  It represents our need to be useful in the world.  This house rules our relationships to those we work with (work does not necessarily mean only paid employment and can include volunteer work or other unpaid work), our subordinates, and our employers as well as our daily routines and how we order and organize our lives.  It also relates to our health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), food, nutrition, self-improvement, and can indicate chronic illnesses and diseases as well as our general constitution.  This is the house of pets and animal companions.  It is the Virgo house and is ruled by Mercury.

Seventh House – Partnerships and Marriage:  This is the house of partnership and marriage.  It is the house that rules your life partner(s)/husband(s)/wife(s), It can indicate what kind of marriage(s) you have, as well as counseling, mediation, divorce and remarriage.  This is the house of business partnerships and can indicate legal affairs, contracts, and politics surrounding work partnerships.  This house indicates how we work with and relate to others to achieve shared goals.  This is also the house of our open enemies, adversaries, and those that oppose us.  It is the Libra house and is ruled by Venus.

Eighth House – Death and Transformation:  This is the house of death, transformation, intimacy, and regeneration.  It governs the powers and life forces that surround us and influence and control us.  Sex and sexuality, birth, death, the afterlife, crisis, change, addictions and psychological issues, legacies, property, and money you inherit from the dead are all governed here.  This is the house of other people’s money so that also means debts, bills, taxes, and your partner’s resources are indicated here.  Surgeries can be shown here as well as the conditions surrounding physical death.  Psychic powers, occult studies, and spiritual knowledge can be seen in this house.  It is the Scorpio house and is ruled by Pluto.

Ninth House – Belief Systems and Higher Learning:  This is the house of belief systems, higher learning and mental exploration.  Higher education, philosophy, and religion are governed here as well as adventure, exploration, morals, and personal truths.  Long distance travel of the mind and of the physical body are ruled here so this can include foreign travel for business or pleasure.  This is the house of foreign languages and cultures, publishing, international affairs, and commerce.  It is the Sagittarius house and is ruled by Jupiter.

Tenth House – Career and Public Standing:  This is the house of career and public standing.  It is the house that rules everything outside of your home – your profession, status in the community, and public reputation. It is the house of our ambitions, aspirations, attainment, and it reflects our image as shown in the power, position, honors, and successes you achieve.  It shows our attitudes towards governments, bosses, the law and those in power.  It is the outward expression of our talents, the way you accept responsibility, and the place you arrive at through your own efforts.  This house is tied in to how well you do materially in life.  It also governs our fathers and anything paternal.  It is the Capricorn house and is ruled by Saturn.

Eleventh House – Hopes, Wishes, and Friends:  This is the house of hopes, wishes, friends, idealism, and vision.  It is concerned with long term dreams and goals, intellectual pleasures, involvement with groups and organizations, clubs, societies, and political associations.  This house indicates the kind of friends and acquaintances who can best further your interests and objectives in life.  It represents groups of people harmonizing and working towards a shared goal.  It is the Aquarius house and is ruled by Uranus.

Twelfth House – Soul Growth, Self-Undoing, and Secrets:  This is the house of soul growth, self-undoing, and secrets.  It is the most mystical house in a chart.  It defines limitation placed on one’s life both from life in general and from yourself through self-undoing behavior.  It governs disappointments, accidents, trouble, self-defeat, unseen forces, secret enemies, escapism, asylums, hospitals, prisons, lost items, the dream world, karma and spiritual debt, and spiritual studies.  It is associated with psychic powers and the ability to discover the meaning of life through soul growth.  It is the Pisces house and is ruled by Neptune.

Other Important Points:

  • Imum Coeli (IC)/Nadir – The Imum Coeli or nadir is the point between the 3rd and 4th houses at the bottom of the chart. This point represents our roots and how we are nurtured by our families, both as a child and throughout our lives. It shows our habits and thought patterns we picked up from our childhood. It is our private selves and where we feel most at home. It is the parts of us that we often don’t share with or show to the public.
  • Descendant (DC) – This is the point between the 6th and 7th houses on the right side of the chart across from the ascendant. While the ascendent is about our relationship with ourselves, the descendant is about our relationship with others and how we approach people. This is the shadow part of ourselves. This is where we find the qualities which we seek out in our relationships, particularly because we have trouble finding these in ourselves. This point is especially useful for determining the qualities you seek out in a partner, particularly for romantic love and in business.
  • Midheaven (MC) – This is the point between the 9th and 10th houses at the top of the chart. It represents our public image and outer facing persona. We often grow into our midheaven over time as we get older and wiser. This is the point that indicates what our professional lives are like, our ambitions, and what careers we will find most success in based on what talents come more naturally to us.


An aspect is the relationship between two planets. It depicts how their energies interact with each other, both within a person’s natal chart at the time of their birth and as the planets transit across the sky at any given point in time. Within a person’s birth chart an astrologer might say, “The Sun was conjunct Venus at the time of your birth.” Or they might say, “Transiting Pluto is squaring a person’s natal Mars currently,” and this is basically saying where Pluto is in the sky at this given time is squaring where Mars is in the person’s birth chart (in other words the place where Mars was at the time of that person’s birth). This info is used by the astrologer to determine the conditions and energies currently at play in the person’s life or in the solar system at large. This is helpful because it can be used to find possible good time frames for planning future events while avoiding challenging energies. The planets, houses, and signs involved as well as the aspects themselves can be used to explain personality traits or past events, to determine possible future outcomes, and to help an individual know when they are working with the energies of the Universe and their chart or when they are working against the energies of the Universe and their chart.

An astrological chart is made of 360 degrees (being that it is a circle), and each zodiac sign gets 30 degrees before it switches to a new sign. The following is a list of the major and minor aspects astrologers use. The major ones tend to be more impactful.

Major Aspects

  • Conjunction – Two planets in the same degree in the same sign (or within 10 degrees of each other). Extremely powerful and strongest aspect in astrology. Generally beneficial but really depends on the other aspects in the chart and whether or not the energies of the two planets mesh well when they work together.
  • Trine – Two planets 120 degrees apart (generally the planets are in signs of the same element so water, earth, air, or fire). Most harmonious aspect. This aspect brings ease and advantage. Sometimes they work so well together that it can lead to laziness.
  • Opposition – Two planets 180 degrees apart (so the sign opposite of each other on a chart). Unharmonious. Can bring strain, discordance, separation, and challenges to growth and achievement. Sometimes this can also bring balance as the two sides get a little of what the other has that they each need.
  • Sextile – Two planets 60 degrees apart (generally air signs and fire signs are sextile and water signs and earth signs are sextile). Harmonious and favorable but can require some effort by both parties to get the beneficial influences.
  • Square – Two planets 90 degrees apart (generally the planets are in signs of the same quality so mutable, cardinal, or fixed). Challenging and stressful. A square places obstacles and teaches lessons but is beneficial for a person’s growth.

Minor Aspects

  • Quincunx – Two planets 150 degrees apart or about five signs away. Unpredictable. Mildly adverse or can bring offbeat wisdom.
  • Semisquare – Two planets 45 degrees apart. Mildly adverse. Brings tension.
  • Sesquisquare (or Sesquiquadrate) – Two planets 135 degrees apart. Mildly adverse. Brings tension.
  • Semisextile – Two planets 30 degrees apart. Usually the signs right next to yours in the zodiac. Mildly favorable.

The next post will be the final one for this tour through my Astrology 101 course. Stay tuned!

Astrology 101: The Planets and Retrogrades

In part two of my basic astrology series (see part one here), I am going to focus on the planets, what they symbolize, how their energies impact us here on earth, and mention a little bit about retrogrades.

If you have ever pulled up your astrological chart before, you will notice it will list out all the planets and what zodiac sign each planet was in when you were born.  Each planet is an energy that influences part of your personality and the energies around us, and the sign it is in is how that energy is expressed.  The planets also will reside in something called houses in your chart which also mean something.  I will talk more about the houses of an astrological chart in the next post, but this will help you to understand the planet part about what it means when someone says, “I am a Gemini with my Mars in Leo and my Moon is in Taurus in the fourth house.”

Note: This might be obvious, but do not assume all the other planets are in the same sign as your Sun sign. Just because you were born a Leo, it does not mean you have Saturn in Leo, and Pluto in Leo, and Mercury in Leo, etc. You need to pull up your full chart to discover where all the planets are. I only say this because I have seen people go to read the chart descriptions for every planet using only their Sun sign, assuming that it was the same sign for all, only to discover that the descriptions were not making sense.


I am terming the following “the big three” because they are the most commonly mentioned when you hear people talking about their charts, and they are the most influential and important when looking at the personality makeup of a chart.  In fact, if I had to divide up the planets into their percentage of influence on our personalities, I would probably divide them up roughly like this: the Sun as 50%, the moon as 25%, the ascendant/rising sign as 15%, and the rest of the planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, etc. would comprise the other 10%.  When you hear someone say, “I am a double fire sign or I am a triple earth sign,” they are referring to the signs of their big three astrological influences being in multiple signs of the same element. 

Sun:  While not technically a planet in astronomical terms, in astrology the sun is called a planet (or a luminary) and it is the most important and powerful in our natal (or birth) charts.  When you read a horoscope in a magazine or newspaper, or someone asks what your sign is, they are referring to your sun sign or the sign of the zodiac the sun was located in at your time of birth.  The sun represents the fire and essence of our personalities and our individuality.  It is our drive and central focus and determines how we meet our goals in life. It represents our creative life force, our will to live, and our conscious mind. If life is a play, the sun represents the role you play in this life.  The house and sign the sun is located in can also hint at life purpose and the lessons being taught to you for this incarnation.  The sun rules the sign of Leo.

Moon:  The moon is also technically not a planet and rather a luminary, but it is the second most important point in our charts.  It represents our inner self, how we feel about ourselves and the nature of our inner core.  It depicts the shadow self, and how we deal with feelings and emotions.  It pertains to our deepest personal needs and desires, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious mind.  While the sun directs us outward, the moon directs us inward.  It is often the part of us we keep hidden or locked away and do not reveal to others until they really get to know us.  It is our inner child and inner mother.  The moon rules the sign of Cancer.

Ascendant/Rising:  While technically not a planet or luminary, this point is such a large makeup of one’s personality that I felt it best to place a description of it here.  Anyone with a basic knowledge of their astrological chart will be talking about this point in their chart so it is useful to know what it is and why it is important.  The terms ascendant and rising sign are used interchangeably, but they mean the same thing.  The ascendant is the first house of your birth chart and determines where all the other houses fall.  It is based on what sign was rising on the horizon in the sky at the moment you were born.   This is different for everyone and is based on your exact time and location on the planet at birth which is why it is important for you to know your exact time and place of birth.  This is what makes every chart unique to each individual. The ascendant is the window into your personality.  It is the outward appearance you give to others when they meet you.  It is the natural and personal defense mechanisms we use to adapt to our environments, and it indicates how we relate to new experiences and indicates our first impressions and our expectations of the world around us.  I often tell people to read their horoscope for both their sun and their ascendant as this will give you a better picture of what the horoscope is forecasting for you.


The personal planets are the planets that are closest to earth and include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars.   They move through every sign in the zodiac every year or two depending on the planet (every month in the case of the moon), and they have the most influence on our immediate everyday lives.  Depending on the sign and house placement of these planets and how they interact with each other, these are the planets that determine how you think, communicate, act, feel, and love.  They depict your sexuality, your drive, ambition, passions, aggression, likes and dislikes, looks, environmental factors, health, beauty, and style choices.

Mercury:  Mercury is the planet of intelligence, communication, mental pursuits, writing, commerce, speaking, reason, memory, short trips, and day-to-day activities.  This planet is known as the messenger, and its influence is shown in our very first interactions with people, from speaking to writing to listening.  It tells how we approach others to exchange ideas.  How we analyze, sort, and group our everyday world are depicted in our Mercury.  When we are positively manifesting our Mercury we are communicative, versatile, inquisitive, and curious.  Negative Mercury influences include high-strung, nervous, judgmental, anal, critical, indecisive, and overly technical.  Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo.

Venus:  Venus is the planet of love, beauty, attraction, balance, sensuality, relationships, affection, sex appeal, artistic and creative talents, art, dress, decoration, adornment, comfort, money, and material possessions and goods.  Our feminine sides are represented in Venus.  Venus is key to understanding how we approach relationships and pleasure in our lives.  It indicates how we spend our money and our leisure time.  A strong Venus can also indicate a tendency towards diplomacy and peace making.  Negative traits of Venus include self-indulgent, materialistic, vain, superficial, self-centered, narcissistic, and greedy.  Venus rules the signs of Taurus and Libra.

Mars:  Mars is the planet of physical energy, desire, survival instinct, sex drive, forcefulness, aggression, and action.  Mars depicts the masculine in all of us.  When someone is acting from a strong Mars influence, they are acting strong, direct, assertive, and forthright.  On the negative side, they could also be rash, impatient, pompous, rude, egotistical, overly aggressive, and violent.  How we handle our anger and how competitive we are is indicated by Mars.  Mars rules the sign of Aries.


The social planets are the planets in the middle of our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn.  This is where the personal meets what is transpersonal or what is beyond us.  It is where the collective or Universal oneness merges with what we experience in our everyday lives.  These are considered more societal forces, and they indicate how we as individuals interact with community and society.  The energies of Jupiter and Saturn are opposed to each other as you will see from the descriptions below, and throughout life we are learning to balance the lessons of Jupiter and Saturn to try not to tip too heavily towards one or the other.  Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to travel through the entire zodiac and spends about a year in each sign while Saturn takes 27-30 years to transit the zodiac spending about 2.5 years in each sign.

Jupiter:  Jupiter is the planet of luck, plenty, tolerance, expansion, generosity, optimism, abundance, fortune, hope, gratitude, morality, law, adventure, education, travel, philosophy, and religion.  Jupiter seeks insight through knowledge and wisdom.   Jupiter is a fun planet that challenges us to get out there and experience the world and everything it has to offer.  In our interactions with others, it challenges us to explore and grow.  It can manifest good will, a sense of humor, and mercy from a positive perspective.  However there really is too much of a good thing, and thus negative traits from Jupiter influences include excess, blind optimism, irresponsibility, and overindulgence.  Too much Jupiter can make us bankrupt, overweight, and create hoarding tendencies.  It causes tumors to grow and cancer to metastasize. Too much religion creates religious fanatics, and too much tolerance can create apathy towards immorality.   Too much energy spent in outward pursuits with no rest will cause us and our bodies to get sick and exhausted.  It is considered to be a lucky time when Jupiter is transiting your sun sign which happens once every 12 years.  Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius.

Saturn:  Saturn is the planet of constraint, restriction, work, rules and regulations, commitments, ethics, tests, discipline, responsibility, karma, and patience.  This taskmaster planet brings structure and meaning to the world, and it shows us the limits of time, space, and matter.  While this makes Saturn sound like a party pooper and buzz kill, these energies are necessary for our evolutionary growth.  Saturn teaches us about boundaries, fear, oppression, handicap, maturity, and restriction in relationships.  It rules status, authority, government, and large organizations and structures such as corporations and banks. The Saturn cycle is often talked about in astrology and when Saturn transits a particular sign and house for 2.5 years, you will notice that it seems to constrict a certain area of your life and thus you spend those years working on the issues and themes of that sign and house.  The Saturn return happens approximately every 27-30 years in life, and this is referring to Saturn returning to the same spot in the sky that it was at when you were born.  The Saturn return often is accompanied by crises in many areas of your life in order to force you to evolve into your next Saturn cycle with a greater understanding of what you learned from the previous 27-30 years.  In other words, Saturn will test to see if you learned all the lessons of the last Saturn cycle before you move forward, and the more off course you are from learning your lessons, the more intense and harder the tests will be.  Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn.


The transpersonal planets are the planets at the edge of our solar system and are the only planets in our solar system not visible to the naked eye.  They include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and many astrologers are also looking at Chiron as well as other large asteroids in our solar system.  The lessons of the transpersonal planets focus on spiritual evolution and the paths to higher consciousness available to all of us.  These are higher vibrating planets which have an overarching effect that can last for generations.  They are higher octaves of the personal planets whose energies can only be understood when we go beyond ourselves and become aware of our interconnectedness and oneness with all that is.  Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel through the zodiac and spends roughly seven years in each sign.  Neptune and Pluto take 165 years and 250 years to transit the zodiac respectively, so their full cycles are not able to be witnessed in a human life span.  Neptune spends about 14 years in each sign while Pluto spends about 22!  It is easy to see how the lessons of these planets are generational in impact when they move so slowly through the zodiac.

Uranus:  Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and rules the sign of Aquarius.  It is the planet of change, originality, quirkiness, surprise, shock, the revolutionary, inventiveness, intuitive awareness, and human genius in art, science, and technology.  Uranus provides humans with the opportunity to become unstuck by forcing change upon us for our soul growth and lessons in life.  While change is often times not fun or easy, this planet helps move us along so we don’t get stuck in a rut.  Uranus promotes progressive thinking, originality, and individuality rather than tradition.  Uranus challenges us to look forward with new perspectives and to awaken us to new possibilities.

Neptune:  Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and rules the sign of Pisces.  It is the planet of mystery, fantasy, illusion, disillusion, imagination, dreams, mysticism, occult and psychic phenomena, spirituality, idealism, drugs and alcohol, art, music, dance, poetry, and movies.  Positively in may manifest as enlightenment, mercy, and compassion.  Negatively it may manifest as deceit, confusion, trickery, deception, guilt, and addiction.  Neptune inspires our creativity and asks us to look beyond ourselves for explanations in life.  While Neptune might cloud us from being able to sense what is right and wrong or what is true or false, by doing so, it forces us to step out (or go inward) to test ourselves and to rely on our faith in a power higher than ourselves while simultaneously forcing us to have faith in ourselves and to take a chance on creating what we want to in our lives without fear.

Pluto:  While astronomers may no longer classify Pluto as a planet, astrologers consider it to be one of great power.  Pluto is the higher octave of Mars and rules the sign of Scorpio.  This planet has the ability to influence and impact the masses and it will plunge to the depths in ways that no other planet will go to.  Pluto is the planet of everything related to power and control, things hidden in the depths, transformation, the subconscious, dormant forces, death, rebirth, destruction, annihilation, and elimination.  It rules many natural disasters (although Neptune and Uranus also contribute), world events, terrorism, mob violence, and the uncovering of secrets. While all of that sounds quite dreadful from a human perspective, from a soul or higher-level perspective, Pluto does serve an essential function in helping to transform society and wipe away what no longer works in order to teach us lessons for our spiritual growth and to build something new.  This is the planet that facilitates the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes.

Chiron:  Chiron has been called a dwarf or minor planet, an asteroid, and a comet and is located between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.  Chiron is known as “the wounded healer.”  It depicts where we as individuals harbor our own wounds and our efforts we make in healing these wounds.  These are wounds that are deep in our psyche which are resulting from not just this current life but many lives over the cycle of reincarnation.  To heal these wounds, we must work on the issues indicated by the placement of Chiron in our chart and by overcoming our low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy surrounding these issues.  Chiron can also indicate in what areas we may become good teachers, especially if we learn to overcome the lessons of Chiron in our lives.

I am currently just starting to explore the symbolism and meaning of a lot of the smaller bodies in the solar system and might write something up on these bodies someday in the future. In the meantime, if you are interested, I recommend internet browsing for the following: Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Lilith (Asteroid Lilith, True or Osculating Black Moon Lilith, Mean Black Moon Lilith, and the Dark Moon or Waldemath Lilith), Hygiea, Pholus, Nessus, Chariklo, Eris, Sedna, Makemake, and Haumea. There are many more beyond that!


I’m sure you have probably heard about the dreaded “Mercury Retrograde” people are always talking about, so I want to clarify what exactly they are talking about. A planet is said to be in retrograde when it appears to be going backwards through the sky (and the zodiac signs) from its normal forward direction. While this is just an optical illusion due to how a planet’s orbit falls in comparison to Earth’s, this shift through the signs in the opposite direction messes with how the energies of that planet are perceived and expressed on Earth. Because all planets have a different orbit than Earth, all the planets listed above (not including the Moon, Sun, and Ascendent) go through a retrograde time. What happens during a retrograde energetically? Basically, the energies expressed by that planet retrograding essentially slow down or go to sleep. This is not the time to start anything new in regards to the energies expressed by that planet because in retrospect you will most always regret the decision you made. Instead retrogrades are the Universe’s way of getting us to slow down and go within. It’s time to rest, redo, reexamine, revisit, review, realign, reassess, etc. People, events, and places might reappear or reoccur in our lives, and issues might come up again to be worked on or resolved. Retrogrades are opportune times for words starting with re.

The social planets and the transpersonal planets retrograde every year for four to six months depending on the planet. Because they have influences that affect large amounts of people and are more generational and overarching in what they govern, these retrogrades are less impactful. The personal planets however have a huge effect on us when they retrograde because they are…well…personal. What zodiac signs and chart houses are most impacted depends on what signs and houses the planets are retrograding through, but everyone is generally affected somewhat. You can look back up under the description of each planet above to see what goes haywire, but here is a brief rundown of those three retrogrades.

  • Mercury Retrograde occurs three to four times a year for three to four weeks at a time. Communications and mental activities get scrambled. This means relationships can breakdown, work miscommunications and dramas flare up, and people misunderstand each other. Anything involving communication should be double checked and even still might be misconstrued by someone else. This is not a time to send rash emails or post controversial social media posts. You don’t ever want to sign a contract of any sort during this time be it work or marriage or financial. It is not recommended to start new relationships or jobs during this time. Electronics will go haywire during this retrograde and often will break. This is not a good time to buy new electronics and goods unless you are forced to out of necessity due to something breaking. Finally, transportation and event planning can go awry during Mercury retrogrades. Unforeseen circumstances, emergencies, accidents, and events can arise during this retrograde throwing all your carefully laid plans into chaos. Just don’t be surprised if the fancy party or big vacation you planned during this time period ends up becoming complicated and difficult, your plane gets delayed or rescheduled, or your car gets stuck in traffic.
  • Venus Retrograde occurs once every two years or so for about six weeks. Since Venus is all about love and relationships, Venus retrogrades are not good times to start new relationships, go on dates, get married, start new jobs, or sign contracts as Venus retrograde can obscure some of the finer points in a contract between people. People in established romantic relationships might rehash old issues or find problems in their marriages and partnerships that come up during this time. Exes can come back out of the blue, and you could be tempted to try to get back together with those people. Because Venus rules art and beauty, it is not a good time to change your hair, clothes, style, get plastic surgery, buy art or home furnishings, or redecorate your home. Financial decisions should be held off during this time, so it is not a good time to get a new loan, take a major financial risk or gamble, start a new business or job, or sign any sort of contract related to money. Money and payments might get delayed coming in and out of your bank account, or an old financial issue might rear its ugly head for you to deal with. Sometimes this could be positive though as an old financial issue could suddenly resolve itself. Finally, try to avoid legal decisions and anything involving the court system during this time. Venus rules Libra, and those scales of justice might not fall in your favor during a Venus retrograde period.
  • Mars Retrograde occurs once every two years or so for about two and a half months. Mars retrogrades last a long time and because of this, Mars can often spend up to nine months in the same sign. That is a lot for Mars which usually spends only a few months at a time in a sign. Mars rules our energy and drive so during a Mars retrograde it is like the Universe has shut off the gas, and there is no energy to move forward. Anything started will lack energy and drive in its energetic imprint. Because of this it is not a good time to start any new projects, businesses, ventures, or relationships. It is not a good time to get married or divorced. Mars rules our sex lives so in starting a marriage or new relationship during this time period, one could end up with an unsatisfactory sex life or problems in the boudoir down the road in the relationship. Mars rules surgery and physical health so this is not a time to overexert yourself, risk your physical health in any way, or to schedule surgeries or medical procedures unless it is an absolute emergency. Physical accidents and injuries can occur during this time as well. Machinery and electronics might lose power or break, and it is not advised to buy new machinery at this time for the same reason. Finally, Mars rules aggression, anger, and war. People are often more irritable or ready to fight you during this time. Practice good anger management skills during Mars retrograde. It is never good to start new arguments and fights during a Mars retrograde as the energy won’t be there to back up the fight. A rule of Mars retrogrades is that whoever starts the fight loses, and this is a reason why countries that initiate a war during this time period will most likely lose the war.

Stay tuned for part three coming up next!

Astrology 101: The Zodiac

Welcome to Astrology Month on my blog! I want to spend some time writing about many of the tools I use in my healing practice in addition to energy healing work, and I decided to dedicate an entire month to astrology. I know many people hear the words “what’s your sign?” and they want to roll their eyes and run towards the nearest door away from the freak that is asking the question.  I used to be one of those people.  And then while looking at a website on near death experiences, I read that people have been told about astrology when they have crossed over to the other side, and that we should pay attention to it because it means something.  I have based so much of my spiritual beliefs and spiritual knowledge on information from near death experiences which I have studied extensively.  In fact, the near death experience has pretty much become my version of the bible.  Heck…why read a religious book written by humans when you can learn about what real live humans have actually experienced and been told on the other side?  This prompted me to reexamine the topic of astrology and to pick up an astrology book.

My previous experience with astrology consisted of reading mundane and ridiculous horoscopes in magazines and newspapers that were made of a few vague lines that could apply to anyone.  Needless to say, I was still highly skeptical of this astrology stuff, however I was intrigued because other info I read regarding near death experiences led to my spiritual awakening so I gave it a chance.  The book I am referring to is called The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, by Joanna Martine Woolfolk – I highly recommend this book if you would like to check out a beginner astrology book.  As I started to peruse the book, I flipped directly to my sun sign which is Pisces and read the description.  I was shocked to find the description which went on for several pages to describe me almost perfectly.  I was impressed, but still skeptical.  Perhaps this description just described everyone?  So I flipped to another sun sign and read that.  I quickly discovered that that sun sign did not describe me for the most part.  Hmmmm…I proceeded to read the entire book, and I couldn’t believe how complex astrology was.  I had no clue that we had an astrological chart and that all the planets and the moon in addition to the sun fell in different signs and that each planet symbolized a different aspect of our personality.  I had no clue that our charts were composed of houses and that each house symbolized a different aspect of our lives and that how the planets fell in the houses contained in our chart in addition to how they interacted with each other can form a sort of blueprint to our personalities and life plans.  As I read thorough all my chart aspects, I quickly could see how my chart was explaining my personality tendencies and some of the challenges I have faced thus far in this life.  I decided to start reading a more detailed monthly horoscope to investigate this further (I really like Susan Miller at, the AstroTwins at, Pam Gregory at and her youtube channel at, and they have lots of additional interesting articles to learn more about astrology on their sites).  As I began to follow astrology more, I began to notice major life events taking place around times when there were difficult aspects and transits of planets through certain areas of my chart.  I don’t feel it is a coincidence (actually there is no such thing as coincidences) when events like Mercury retrograde, Saturn returning to the place it was at when I was born, and solar and lunar eclipses coincided with struggles I was going through in my life.

Now do I believe astrology is the be all end all?  No.  Our souls are rich and complex, and there are other factors that can play into personality – for instance past life experiences (both in this current incarnation and in previous incarnations), family upbringing, cultural influence, etc.  I have often heard people try to explain twins as a reason for disproving astrology because they would have almost the same astrological chart (although just a few minutes different in birth time can skew and change the whole chart makeup!).  Again, every soul is a different soul and the astrological chart only indicates personality “tendencies.”  As I mentioned, there are other factors at work in shaping an individual’s personality.

We come into this world with a plan of the lessons we want to learn for our soul’s growth and this can be indicated in the individual’s astrological chart.  We choose our personalities, our life situations, our parents (yes you choose your parents), and we come in with a general blueprint for our life path.  We also come in with the gift of free will to change our plans at any given point to some degree and every decision we make at any given time can alter the course of our lives and the outcomes in the future.  Can astrology be used to predict events?  To some degree yes, but I tend to think of it more as a tool to show timing and conditions more akin to a weather report.  It gets at the when of events.  It can be very difficult to ascertain the what.  When examining my chart for instance, I have been able to recognize that a difficult period was coming up, but much less able to determine if the problem was going to come in the arena of friends and family, home, career, money, health, or romantic relationships for example. Or I might nail it down to a category like career but not have any idea what could possibly be happening in the field of career as there are endless possibilities.  Astrology is just too complex to find all the answers and the Universe doesn’t want us to be able to know everything in advance as that would defeat much of the point of being in these physical bodies living these lives on this planet.  Our main purpose for being here is for our souls to learn lessons and grow and expand spiritually.  Knowing everything would hamper our soul’s purpose.

Another common misconception from skeptics is that astrology can’t possibly mean anything because the planets are too far away to have any impact on us here on Earth.  It is a proven fact that the sun and the moon clearly have an impact on us while on this planet.  They impact tides and weather and ask anyone who works in a hospital, and they will tell you how they notice all the “crazies” come in during the full or new moons.  I worked in an ER for a local hospital system, and the nurses and I would always discuss this.  Of course the rest of the planets have an affect on us!  This solar system is like our school.  Our classroom is Earth, but the rest of the bodies of energy known as planets, also are here to assist with our lessons in our classroom.  Skeptics are stuck looking at this existence in a linear physical fashion so of course it appears the planets are too far away.  But this existence is not linear and purely physical.  There are many other layers such as emotional, mental, and spiritual, and there is no time and space on the other side.  All energy (WHICH IS ALL PLANETS) and everything in existence is connected;  we are all ONE.  That is not just a cliché new age phrase, it is one of the great spiritual Universal truths.  The planets are even connected to our chakra system so what happens with all of them (both at time of birth and as they transit through their orbits and cycles through our lives) affects us all. Here is a link to some interesting scientific studies into astrology.

The Zodiac

For this week, the astrological topic I want to discuss is the Zodiac (and by Zodiac I am referring to the Western classic Babylonian Zodiac, not the Chinese Zodiac).  There are two main types of systems of astrology: Western or tropical astrology and Hindu or sidereal astrology.  Western astrology divides the Zodiac based on the Sun’s position as it moves through the ecliptic and celestial sphere over the course of the year.  Hindu astrology does the same but also bases the positions of the zodiac on constellations and fixed stars beyond our solar system as opposed to corresponding with the natural change in seasons as the earth moves in it’s orbit over the year.  My astrology articles are based on Western astrology rather than Hindu astrology as that system resonates with me more. While the Zodiac signs are probably somewhat familiar to many people due to the ever present horoscope listings in magazines, newspapers, and online, many people do not really understand how they were derived.  The Zodiac can be divided up in several different ways:

THE GENDERS (DUALITIES):  First, the Zodiac can be divided in two genders with six Zodiac signs making up each of the two genders: masculine and feminine.

Masculine: (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius); These signs are direct and energetic. The energy expresses outward. Masculine signs find their strength from action.

Feminine: (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces); These signs are receptive and magnetic.  The energy expresses inward. Feminine signs are self contained and find their strength through inner reserves. 

THE QUALITIES (QUADRUPLICITIES): Second, the Zodiac can be divided in three sectors with four signs making up each sector.  These sectors describe a certain quality of each of the signs, and the three sectors are cardinal, fixed, and mutable.

Cardinal: (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn); Cardinal signs are enterprising and outgoing.  They are initiators. Fixed: (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius); Fixed signs are resistant to change. They perfect and finish things rather than initiate and originate. Mutable: (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces); Mutable signs are flexible, versatile, and adaptable. They are able to adjust to differing circumstances. 

THE ELEMENTS (TRIPLICITIES):  Third, the Zodiac can be divided in four sectors with three signs making up each sector.  These four sectors are also known as the four elements: fire, earth, air, water.

Fire: (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); Fire signs are active, enthusiastic, and are driven to express the self and to create. Earth: (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); Earth signs are grounded, material, cautious, practical, and stable. Air: (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); Air signs are mental, intellectual, and communicative. They socialize and conceptualize. Water: (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces); Water signs are emotional, intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive. 

OPPOSITES (POLARITIES):  Fourth, the Zodiac can be divided up into six polarities, or in other words, six pairs of signs that are opposite each other.

  • Aries (self) versus Libra (partnership, others)
  • Taurus (personal possessions, form and the material) versus Scorpio (legacies and shared possessions, transformation, destruction)
  • Gemini (self expression, lower mind) versus Sagittarius (philosophy and higher thinking; expression on a wider level)
  • Cancer (home, private, domestic life) versus Capricorn (public life, career and reputation)
  • Leo (personal pleasure and creativity) versus Aquarius (hopes and ideals on a larger group-oriented scale)
  • Virgo (work, service, self-improvement, physical health) versus Pisces (dreams, self-delusion, vision, spiritual health)

THE SIGNS:  You will notice above that no sign in the Zodiac has the same gender, quality, and element, thus we have 12 unique signs that make up the entire Zodiac.  The 12 descriptions below are from an archetype perspective and will be very general.  Pages and pages could be written about each sign (and indeed already have been!).  My purpose here is to give a brief summary.  The dates below are approximately when the sun is in that sign but it can change depending on the year.  If you have planets within a few degrees (or few days depending on how you look at it) of when the planets change signs, then that planet is “on the cusp” of the other sign it is close to.  In those cases, people with cusps have a blend of both energies from both signs for that particular planet, however the sign it truly falls in by degree in the chart will be the dominant sign.  I am writing the symbol for each because if you think about the qualities of what the symbol for each sign represents, you get an idea of the sign itself.

Aries: (Masculine, Cardinal, Fire); March 21 to April 19; Symbolized by the Ram; Keyword is “I Am”; Opposite of Libra; Ruling planet is Mars; Rules the head.  Aries is active, energetic, excitable, impulsive, optimistic, assertive, sexual, able to climb great heights, and open to change and new experiences.  Aries is very self-oriented and “me first.”  The Mars aspects of this sign indicate war, aggression, conflict, courage, passion, competition, tension, accidents, and rules over fire and danger.

Taurus: (Feminine, Fixed, Earth); April 20 to May 20; Symbolized by the Bull; Keyword is “I Have”; Opposite of Scorpio; Ruling planet is Venus; Rules the neck and throat.  Taurus is quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, determined, practical, stubborn, strong, plodding, both fierce and gentle, and resistant to change.  It is the sign of accumulating money, property and possessions, and experiencing the material world with all their senses.  The Venus aspects of the sign indicate a love of beauty, luxury, arts, pleasure, emotions, and also exceptional creative ability.

Gemini: (Masculine, Mutable, Air); May 21 to June 20; Symbolized by the Twins; Keyword is “I Think”; Opposite of Sagittarius; Ruling planet is Mercury; Rules the hands, arms, shoulders, and lungs.  Gemini is lively, energetic, versatile, and intellectual, lives primarily in the mind rather than the emotions, and is extremely adaptable to new situations.  It is the sign of thought and communication on a personal level as well as duality and humanism.  The Mercury aspects of this sign indicate communication, travel, quick cleverness, and a nervous temperament.

Cancer: (Feminine, Cardinal, Water); June 21 to July 22; Symbolized by the Crab; Keyword is “I Feel”; Opposite of Capricorn; Ruling planet is the Moon; Rules the breasts and stomach. Cancer is receptive, sensitive, moody, imaginative, sympathetic, kind, emotional and possesses an active, shrewd, and intuitive mind.  They retreat into their hard shell exterior in order to protect their sensitive inside.  Cancer is the sign of home and family life, and Cancers are happiest surrounded by the familiar and those whom they love. The Moon aspects of this sign govern emotions and intuition.

Leo: (Masculine, Fixed, Fire); July 23 to Aug 22; Symbolized by the Lion; Keyword is “I Will”; Opposite of Aquarius; Ruling planet is the Sun; Rules the back, spine, and heart. Leo is enthusiastic, expansive, creative, generous, extravagant, dogmatic, regal, brave, dominating, noble, proud, indolent, and fixed in opinion. It is the sign that governs pleasure and creativity. They look at what they can get out of life for themselves. The Sun aspects of this sign indicate light, heat, energy, vitality, and authority.

Virgo: (Feminine, Mutable, Earth); Aug 23 to Sept 22; Symbolized by the Virgin; Keyword is “I Analyze”; Opposite of Pisces; Ruling planet is Mercury; Rules the nervous system and intestines. Virgo is reserved, modest, practical, discriminating, industrious, analytical, painstaking, seeking to know and understand. It’s the sign of work, self-improvement, purity, service of oneself and one’s talents in helping others. Virgos are perfectionists who dissect facts in order to find truth and obtain all available information.  The Mercury aspects of this sign indicate communication, intelligence, reason, and a high strung temperament.

Libra: (Masculine, Cardinal, Air); Sept 23 to Oct 22; Symbolized by the Scales; Keyword is “I Balance”; Opposite of Aries; Ruling planet is Venus; Rules the lower back, buttocks, and kidneys. Libra is active, artistic, balanced, easygoing, peaceable, prizes beauty and harmony, is diplomatic, polished, and very socially inclined. It’s the sign of marriage and partnership, and its natives function best in a union and lose their positive outlook and equilibrium when forced to be alone. It’s the sign of order and justice. The Venus aspects of this sign rule pleasure, social pursuits, art, adornment, self-indulgence, love, and luxury.

Scorpio: (Feminine, Fixed, Water); Oct 23 to Nov 21; Symbolized by the Scorpion; Keyword is “I Desire”; Opposite is Taurus; Ruling planet is Pluto; Rules the genitals. Scorpio is imaginative, passionate, emotional, subtle, persistent, intense, secretive, obstinate, and unyielding. It’s the sign of inheritance and legacies.  Its natives are given a sense of purpose and destiny and find happiness dispensing their life-force to others.  The Pluto aspects of this sign rule regenerative forces, transitions, beginnings, endings, death, and destruction.

Sagittarius: (Masculine, Mutable, Fire); Nov 22 to Dec 21; Symbolized by the Archer represented as a Centaur – half man, half horse; Keyword is “I See”; Opposite is Gemini; Ruling planet is Jupiter; Rules the liver, hips, and thighs. Sagittarius is energetic, ambitious, generous, freedom-loving, direct, a seeker of challenge, and open to new ideas and exploration. Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, higher learning, high aims, broad concepts, and a lover of outdoor activity and the chase. They are most happy discovering new ideas, exploring distant places, and not getting tied down with personal commitments.  The Jupiter aspects of this sign rule good fortune, optimism, expansion, and abundance.

Capricorn: (Feminine, Cardinal, Earth); Dec 22 to Jan 19; Symbolized by the Goat; Keyword is “I Use”; Opposite is Cancer; Ruling planet is Saturn; Rules the bones, joints, and knees.  Capricorn is reserved, prudent, patient, uses strategy instead of force, seeks security, is acquisitive, disciplined, determined, and quick to seize opportunity. Capricorn is the sign governing reputation, career, public life, and standing in the community.  They seek honor, praise, and approval from the world at large but remain reserved in private relationships. The Saturn aspects of this sign rule obstacles, limitations, restrictions, discipline, and responsibility.

Aquarius: (Masculine, Fixed, Air); Jan 20 to Feb 18; Symbolized by the Water Bearer (a human pouring water); Keyword is “I Know”; Opposite is Leo; Ruling planet is Uranus; Rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles.  Aquarius is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, inventive, and has strong dislikes and firm opinions.  It is the sign of hopes, dreams, friends, and wishes. They tend to be idealistic humanitarians who are concerned with the larger issues of the world but remain personally detached in their own relationships.  The Uranus aspects of this sign rule change, disruption, the unconventional, the unexpected, inventions, aerodynamics, modern science and technology.

Pisces: (Feminine, Mutable, Water); Feb 19 to March 20; Symbolized by Two Fishes connected and pulling in opposite directions; Keyword is “I Believe”; Opposite is Virgo; Ruling planet is Neptune; Rules the feet.  Pisces is receptive, intuitive, emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable, mystical, adaptable, and very changeable.  It is the sign of dreams, hidden depths, shifting emotional currents, conflicting desires, extremes of temperament, and mysticism. Pisces tend to trust their intuitions and feelings and tend to seek more spiritual values in life. The Neptune aspects of this sign rule illusion, glamour, mystery, secrets, and deception.

And now something fun to do!  If you have not pulled up your own astrological chart, you can easily do that here. Once you get there, click on one of the free horoscopes (I recommend ‘chart drawing, ascendant’).  You will need your exact day, time, and place of birth to be able to accurately pull up your astrological chart.  Once you get your chart up, you can see what signs all the planets fall in on your chart as well as your ascendant/rising sign (listed as AC on the chart).  You will be able to read descriptions for all the planets in your chart now when reading horoscope articles and books.  I hope this was interesting and/or helpful. Until my next post friends!

How Old is Your Soul?

How many times have you heard someone say something like “oh that person is an old soul, or “bless his heart, he is a young soul.”  Have you ever wondered what terms like that mean?  Today I want to delve into the evolution of the soul and discuss what exactly is meant by the words “soul age” and “old soul.”  Different souls focus on different lessons based on what they have learned already, what karma they are trying to resolve, how evolved they are, and what lessons they want to tackle next.  A soul does exhibit certain characteristics as it evolves, and this can be described through soul age.  A soul’s age can be characterized in much the same way as a human’s physical life.  Just as a baby grows into a child and into an adult (all having specific characteristics in the physical realm), a soul will progress in age and have different lessons as it grows and expands.

Before I list out some descriptions of the qualities that make up an individual’s soul age, I do want to explain a few things.  First, this post assumes that reincarnation is a fact, and that it exists.  Whether or not you want to believe in reincarnation at this stage of your development or whether or not “science” has proven it is beside the point.  Reincarnation happens.  In the same way that physical beings on the earth evolve over time, so do we as spiritual beings. As above, so below. We are born again and again to continue learning lessons for our soul’s expansion and growth.  The ultimate purpose of this process is to move us to enlightenment where we give up our individuality and become one with the Light and all that is.  Eventually we may start the process of learning all over again by having parts of us born into another new soul, however this will not be the same soul we were in the previous cycle.  We are not reincarnated as a punishment or based solely on karmic retribution.  We CHOOSE to be born over and over again because our souls crave growth and expansion.  We WANT to do this repeatedly, and nothing we experience is beyond what our soul can handle.  It is true that Spirit does not allow us to take on more than we can handle at any given time, however many souls do get overly zealous when planning their lessons and may choose to opt out early due to the personality’s inability to cope with the magnitude of the lessons the Universe is handing the individual (this is frequently what is happening with suicide).  Many people even believe we can reincarnate as different beings other than humans. My spiritual studies have left me a little conflicted on this, so I won’t say it is an absolute (some near death experiencers and teachers have said we only reincarnate as humans and that animals have more of a group soul which kind of explains instinct in animals however I’ve had other teachers and psychics who insist we have lives as a variety of beings and animals). My thinking is that we might reincarnate in the same species until we learn all the lessons of that soul and then move on to other species, and I am pretty certain we reincarnate to other planets besides just Earth, but this is all my speculation. Our souls will choose whatever incarnation is best for our own soul growth.  Look at our many animal friends who show up as pets?  Many of these animals are souls we have lived lives with before as well.  While pets still have lessons in the construct of an animal’s body, they are often here to serve as more of a guide to us in our lives and to assist and teach us lessons about love and compassion in a different way than humans do. Many of our pets come back to us multiple times in the same life. Animals can and do live with us on the other side and can communicate with us just as we would with any other human.

Now what is meant by soul age?  This type of age is not the same as human age as in “this soul has been in creation for longer than that soul.”  There is no time on the other side so all of creation has all been in existence for all eternity.  What soul age is referring to is how many lives an individual has experienced through the process of reincarnation, or more specifically where that soul is on the process of learning and soul expansion.  The truth is there are no set number of lives every soul experiences before they “graduate” to the next level of lessons.  A soul has all of eternity to learn lessons and expand and grow to move on to the next level, so it takes as long as it takes.  Some souls expand faster than others, and some take longer to learn lessons.  Often, we come back to teach or help others grow or learn lessons too, and we do this out of great love for others.  Most times we are all learning and teaching. Consider the individual who decides to incarnate as a child only to die in the first few months of life.  This individual has come to the planet to teach great lessons about love, grief, and loss to the souls that experienced them while they were alive as well as to the ones who remain on the planet after their death.  They are not going to gain a lot of their own soul growth in that lifetime, but they did come down anyway to help others to learn and grow.   Often the amount of suffering a soul chooses to take on will correspond to how much growth that soul will experience during a particular lifetime.  For example, a soul choosing a life with challenge after challenge and struggle after struggle will grow faster than a soul that chooses a life where everything seems perfect from a human’s perspective.  We learn lessons through challenges and struggles so when we go through something seemingly terrible, that is when we have our greatest growth, and it is for our highest good.  We are forced to find our inner strength, and these circumstances will test our faith and spirituality.  What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right?

The following is a list of ways to categorize soul evolution or age.  Where do you fall on this scale?

New/Infant Soul:  New or Infant souls are the souls that are just starting out on their evolution process here on the physical plane.  They are in their first several lives on earth, and their incarnations are primarily dealing with the lessons of survival in the physical world.  Learning how to grow and catch food and obtain fresh water, avoiding predators such as poisonous snakes, lions, bears, and crocodiles, building and maintaining shelter, going through disasters such as plagues, famines, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and war are all lessons that new souls will take on.  Morally, intellectually, and emotionally new souls come off as simple-minded, however they are simply lacking worldly experience.  They do not know right from wrong and tend to be learning lessons about love, hate, fear, compassion, and remorse.  New souls are not used to things like culture and group living so grasping the complexities of modern society and advanced cultures is mostly beyond them.  They often do not even seek or desire employment, nor do they seek higher learning and education.  They prefer to stick to learning based on a group mentality and/or via the family unit.  They often need to be told the who, what, when, where, why and how of life and thus are drawn to religious and spiritual paths that allow for this.  They usually adopt the religions of their parents as is, and they don’t question authority.  Without this guidance, these souls often will make major blunders involving murder, rape, and the like.  New souls accumulate a lot of karma due to their inability to have compassion for others.  These souls may seem simple, but they are also often more connected to nature and spirit as they are more likely to remember where they come from.  You will usually find new and infant souls in countries near the equator and in more tribal and indigenous populations.  They can be found in more modern Western type cultures as well, but usually are seen more on the fringes of the normal population out in rural areas and in the back country. 

Baby/Child Soul:  Having grasped basic lessons about what it is like to be on the physical plane, souls move on to examining more about what it means to be a part of a culture and mass consciousness.  Baby or child souls are learning lessons about security, structure, discipline, and order.  These are the individuals who seek out and desire situations where there are rigid rules, laws, regulations, and dogma to determine how society should function.  They tend not to see or understand the notion of a middle ground or a grey area.  The world to them is black or white, right or wrong, and moral or immoral.  They understand what is right and wrong but rarely understand the motivation behind people’s actions.  These souls tend to come off as intolerant, extremely conservative, traditional, orthodox, moralistic, and religiously devout.  They seek out societies that provide the community with a general sense of structure and rules.  These souls desire to locate in areas dominated by orthodox or fundamentalist religions (much of the Middle East), communist/fascist/extreme governments (China, North Korea, south and central America), or in small communities where the small-town mayor, local sheriff, and church pastor are the most important people in the community (small town Midwest and southern USA).  These are the people who come off as patriots and who worship their country, politicians, the military, doctors, principals, police officers, and religious leaders as Gods.  What the powers that be say goes.  Often, they don’t question authority, and if someone violates the rules of the community, then justice and judgment ensues.  Sex and sexuality are very hidden and considered “sinful” or something that must be controlled or to be guilty or shameful about.  This is a time when the family unit becomes very important and structured, where families are larger, and parents stay together because their society or religions tell them to.  There is a strict adherence to family values.  While this rigid structure may sound unappealing to a more evolved soul, the baby soul desires and needs this structure to best be able to advance their learning.  They still contain far too much fear and not enough wisdom to move beyond such structure at that time, and the structure is what helps them learn about living and existing in a culture.

Young Soul:  Young souls are learning lessons about power and independence.  Having now grasped order and structure, they now feel safe and secure enough to see how powerful they can become in the world.  The goal now is to explore the world and see what it is all about.  These are the materialistic souls who are exploring the ego and the personality.  They desire money, fame, and power.  These are the civilization shapers who move the world forward, and you will recognize a lot of these souls as big-name politicians, celebrities, mega-church leaders, and corporate CEO’s.  These are the souls who try to get everything: the most money, success, fame, or power; the best cars, boats, and motorcycles; the highest and most powerful position at work or the best degree from a prestigious university; the biggest apartments, homes, and mansions,  the most toys, electronics, gadgets, and gizmos, the most extravagant meals, exotic vacations, and designer, rare, or expensive clothes, perfumes, housewares, and furniture; the most fit and attractive body.  These are all desired by the young soul no matter what the cost.  There is little concern for others needs and wants.  For the young soul, it is a dog-eat-dog world, and the first person to the top wins regardless of how you get there.  Motives and ethics are not considered.  While it is great for a soul to break free and discover and experience their individuality, this can come at a price.  Often young souls will overwork themselves to gain material success, power, and possessions.  They miss out on the joys and love of families, partners, pets, and children.  The added stress and lack of time to take care of themselves often winds up in disease.  They end up hurting innocent people as well as the ones they love on their race towards the top.  The planet itself suffers as profits become more important than anything else.  Insufficient healthcare systems, crumbling infrastructures, and unequal social and economic structures take root.  Planetary destruction through the dumping of toxic wastes and pollutants, the killing and overconsumption of plants and animals, and by messing with the order of nature due to the arrogant thinking that humans are superior can occur with little thought or remorse.  Often these souls are the most scared of death and this fear of death manifests in everything from plastic surgery to broken and costly medical systems that attempt to help everyone live forever.  Often these souls have little concern for religion and spirituality as they question whether or not there is even an afterlife.  This instills in them a great desire to leave their mark on the world because in their view, when life is over, that is the end.  Even though this may sound empty, this can be a time of great fun trying to explore the material world in all its splendor.  Young soul countries are places such as Australia, Canada, Germany, the United States (this is prominent particularly in the big cities and places such as Southern California), Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Japan.

Mature Soul:  After exploring the young soul phase, a soul begins to realize it desires more than just worldly possessions and materialistic desires to make it happy.  What matters more is relationships and the bonds we share with others, and thus these years are for exploring all different possible ways we can interact with other people and the sort of lessons this provides.  The mature soul phase sends us on a journey to explore others in a way that has not previously been done before.  This is a phase when we get in touch with our emotional selves, and thus these life spans are filled with lots of drama.  This can be a very difficult and frustrating time as we come to accept and move through areas of our soul that we previously ignored and delve into feelings that have been squashed or suppressed for several lifetimes.  Mature souls are thoughtful, reflective, sensitive, and consider the motivations and feelings of other people.  They tend to develop a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others at this time as they wholeheartedly embrace paying attention to the plights of other souls as well as looking for opportunities for more intimate relationships, as well as partnerships and family structures that are outside the mainstream.  This consideration for others tends to kick off a kind of self-discovery period where we are searching for a deeper meaning to life.  We question everything from ourselves to other people’s motives and this struggle often plays itself out in the arts.  Mature souls tend to gravitate towards expression through art, philosophy, music, dance, and acting.  Many of the most gifted artists and actors that we see on the earth plane are in the mature soul phase.  Mature souls tend to move towards religious and spiritual paths that are more about looking inward rather than through some of the more dogmatic religious paths previously explored.  Mature souls are drawn to meditation, yoga, and Buddhism quite often and may begin to delve into other individualistic metaphysical and spiritual studies.  Mature souls often come off as emotionally high maintenance and are particularly liberal (they are often referred to as bleeding hearts or hippies by younger souls) constantly promoting causes and solutions to worldwide problems such as socioeconomic inequality, racism, homophobia, chauvinism, environmental destruction, animal rights, and war.  Many mature souls do rise to prominence; however this is usually due to the passion, dedication, and enthusiasm they give to their causes, purposes, and artistic endeavors rather than out of a desire to gain more material and worldly goods and experiences.  Mature souls tend to become more adventurous and want to explore the nuances of physical things like food, sex, art, and travel.  Some examples of mature soul areas of the world include Greece, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, the UK, Russia, and the NE United States.

Old Soul:  In the old soul stage, souls move beyond just exploring relationships and the interplay between themselves and others, but instead focus on the interconnectedness of all things.  They come off as easy going and laid back and are competent in most everything they attempt to do (mostly due to their vast wisdom and wealth of previous life experiences).  Because old souls have done it all before, they often struggle trying to find their true calling in life and ultimately settle for doing only what makes them most happy which is usually something that is undemanding and leaves them free to pursue opportunities for spiritual endeavors and soul growth (their primary focus in life).  Old souls come off as gentle, calm, relatively stable, and kindhearted, often to the point of being referred to as meek or weak to the younger souls who do not understand their level of development.  Like new souls, there are much fewer on the planet so often older souls come off as eccentric, bizarre, and out of the norm.  Animals are drawn to old souls due to their wisdom and gentle nature.  Old souls tend to prefer more alternative and holistic forms of medicine, and their spirituality often defies description as it can be a little bit of everything, yet at the same time none of the currently existing spiritual paths on the planet.  Due to their interconnectedness to all that is, old souls often share a feeling of loneliness and have a longing and desire for home (Source/the Light/heaven/where we came from).  Due to their wisdom, old souls have a more accurate sense of knowing what is true or not, and many times they are more in touch with their intuition and often have been blessed with other seemingly supernatural gifts (although in truth all beings possess such gifts).  They often have clear yet simple writing and speaking abilities and are more easily able to communicate with large groups of people.  They have little concern for social structures and cultural expectations, and do not care to be pigeonholed based on what society tells them they “need to” or “should be” doing.  They are much more easily able to let go and to let be, secure in the power of their own Light, understanding that they are always safe, secure, and eternal regardless of what happens to them in the physical realm.  This allows old souls to become detached to the dramas of the earth plane and the mature soul stage allowing them to move forward without fear.  Many old souls do not come into their old soul nature until sometime in their 30’s since earlier in their lives they spend time reviewing lessons from previous soul ages.  While older souls often can be prone to laziness due to their ability to not sweat the small stuff and see the big picture, and because they realize we are all ONE, safe, and protected and that there is a purpose for everything, this is often counteracted because they usually are able to more efficiently master manifestation of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs in the physical realm due to their more advanced wisdom of the laws of the Universe.  The old soul level is the teaching level, and old souls focus on teaching and passing on their knowledge to the younger souls of the planet.  They are here to assist and to lead by example.  Because of the old soul’s vast wealth of experiences, they really strive for their lives to remain free of judgment, and they are constantly screening their actions, thoughts, and emotions for signs of judgment so that they can correct it.  Another main old soul focus is working on mastering self-love and self-esteem and many of their challenges direct them to work on this.  Gender and sexuality become more fluid, and older souls will spend many lives exploring the nuances of this by alternating sexes and sexualities in lives as well as spending lives in their least preferred sex.  Finally, old souls are working on resolving a lot of old karma, much of which was racked up when they were a younger soul learning major life lessons.  Ultimately, they are working towards moving out of reincarnating to the physical realm so they must resolve all old karma before their journeys can be complete.  Because of this, old souls seemingly go through a lot of trials and tribulations that would be difficult for a younger soul to withstand.  Older souls are often more able to handle this, and these challenges are looked on as tests for their spiritual growth and faith.  Old souls are found all over the planet but in higher concentrations in places such as the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, some parts of India, Burma, New Zealand, Switzerland, and parts of the USA (namely the Pacific NW and areas in the SW like Sedona, Santa Fe, and Boulder).  Many old souls like to say, “this is my last life on earth, and then I don’t have to come back!”  In truth, an old soul will never stop coming back until they can learn to love and cherish their experiences on earth.

Transcendental and Infinite Souls:  Transcendental souls are the souls who have completed the cycle of reincarnation on the earth plane.  They have evolved enough that they do not need or desire to come to earth anymore to learn lessons.  They have finished the lessons and have graduated and moved on to higher realms of teaching and learning.  They also have resolved their karma and do not need to return due to karmic debts.  These souls do sometimes on the very rare occasion come back to earth mostly to be teachers.  I personally believe most souls will come back to do this at least once.  Infinite souls are the souls that are evolved so highly that they are a full representation of the light and all that there is.  These souls are often known as ascended masters and include such people as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Mary (Mother of Jesus), Quan Yin, and Krishna.  They are infused with so much light that the human body can barely contain it all.  They have seemingly superhuman powers as well as the ability for supernatural healing.  They come to the earth plane to show us what it looks like to evolve to the state of enlightenment.  They bring great wisdom showing us how to live our lives on this planet and how to treat others, ourselves, and the planet as a whole.  These are the people that religions are made from.

Many times, souls who are in lifetimes where they are transitioning between levels will exhibit characteristics in between two categories.  It is entirely possible that more than one of these categories may fit you, and this could mean you are moving between levels.  Evolution is a slow process, and there are no set rules as to what type of soul you are.  The levels blend into each other slowly and you may be concurrently learning lessons from two of the ages at the same time.  As your soul ages, it will reexamine many of the previous levels’ lessons in every incarnation as well.  In general, the older the soul, the later in life they begin to really exhibit the tendencies of their true soul age.  The earlier years in life are spent reviewing the lessons of other soul ages in addition to beginning on your journey of your current soul lessons.  It is also very important to note that there is no level that is better than any other level!  I repeat…no level is more desired or more special than any other level.  All souls have been through or will go through all levels, and all levels are necessary for soul growth, evolution, and expansion.  In the same way that humans don’t say the elderly are better and more special than the kids and vice versa, an old soul is not better than a baby soul.  Humans also tend to incarnate in clumps and groups.  There are souls from each category in places all over the planet; however, as listed, there are some areas where the soul age skews more towards a certain demographic.  At this stage of Earth’s development, the overall soul age of mass consciousness aligns close to a bell curve.  Most of the planet’s population (middle of the bell curve) falls in the young soul category currently, with less souls in mature and child soul, and still far less souls in the old and infant soul categories.  I believe that as humanity progresses forward in the future into the Age of Aquarius/Enlightenment, the bell curve will move closer towards the mature soul being the most dominant type on the planet with a significant increase in old souls.  Many countries have transitioned to more mature soul countries in recent years to signify this movement.  As the earth evolves and moves forward in its own evolution, new and child souls will incarnate less frequently here as there will be better more appropriate learning planets that are newer in creation for the “new soul” experience to occur on.

The Body System Left Out of Health Class Part 3

In this final installment of my three part series on the human energy system, I am going to mention some basic tips for taking care of the energy system.  If you did not read the first two posts please go here for part 1 and part 2.  The following info is some of the most important info I can give you, and if there was one thing I would tell everyone about how to keep themselves healthy, safe, and protected, this is it.

Most people have heard someone say something along the lines of “that person was all up in my bubble” or “please get out of my bubble” before. This is not simply a cute way to say someone is standing too close to us.  Our energy field or aura can be compared to a bubble, and it does in fact emanate out around us from our bodies.  The energy field can be contracted and as small as a few inches out over the body, or it can be expanded out to be as wide as a city block.  Sometimes some parts of the energy field will be contracted and other parts will be expanded, particularly with different chakras.  Sometimes people even move their chakras out of alignment from where they should normally be located.  Every individual is different, and everyone does different things with their energy fields.  When the bubble (or any part of the bubble) is in a state of contraction, people are not open and not functioning from as high of a level as they could potentially operate.  People contract their energies for many reasons such as out of fear, anger, jealousy, sadness, ego, trauma, past experiences, habit, societal imprinting, etc.  When our energy is contracted, our energy system is more likely to develop disease.  When the bubble is expanded, which is the natural state of the energy system, the easier the energies flow.  The individual is more open and aware, and their chakras are more balanced.  Their giving side is balanced with their receiving side and the masculine is balanced with the feminine side (and yes both sexes have both the masculine and the feminine represented in them – I am not referring to physical sex or any sort of mental gender construct).  They are grounded to the earth, connected to Source (Spirit/God/Goddess/Universe/Light/Creator/Soul, etc.), and are less prone to disease.

Our energy bubbles work like a tree, and this is one of the best ways for us to envision ourselves in order to keep our systems flowing properly.  Through my work, I have become sensitive enough to sense my bubble and other people’s bubbles without going into meditation, however meditation can be a useful tool for one to use to sense in to their bubble and energy field.  Like the leaves on a tree capturing light from the sun, our crown chakras draw in Universal Source energy into our energy systems through our crown chakra to keep us connected to Spirit.  Like the roots on a tree pulling up water and nutrients from the soil, our root chakra pulls up grounding earth energies to keep us connected to the physical plane.  Having Mother Earth and Source energies flowing through our body is essential for keeping our bubbles strong and intact as well as keeping our physical bodies and energy systems healthy.  One of the best exercises you can use to help bubble up is to envision white light flowing down through your crown chakra, down through your vertical power column (also known as the spine), filling your bubble and chakras, coming down and out through your root chakra and feet, and into the ground to the core of Mother Earth.  Envision your body encased in a bubble of white light that nothing can penetrate.  Also envision the earth shooting up earth energy in whatever form that takes for you (I tend to use soil and water just like a tree) up through your root chakra, up through your vertical power column (spine), filling your bubble and chakras, and coming out through your crown chakra and going up to Source.  I will also envision each of my chakras opened and balanced in the front and the back and envision the color of light for each chakra coming into each chakra.   This will keep you connected to Source, grounded to the earth, and help align and balance your chakras.  I use this ritual every morning while I am in the shower to check and strengthen my energy system.  You can do this anytime you feel off or like you need additional protection from other people’s energies, moods, and situations you don’t want to absorb or when you are in a space or place where you feel negative energy.  Why see an energy worker like myself?  We can help expand and correct any blockages in your energy field and help you to work with your own energy system in a more healthy way.  Everyone needs help with their energy system, and a healer can help with this if you are unable to do it yourself.  If everyone’s energies flowed perfectly all the time, nobody would ever get sick.

Our energy systems were given to us as a gift.  They are our energy and nobody else’s.  There should never be any other person or entity’s energy in your energy system.  You were given your energy, and nothing has the right to use it or get inside of it.  Does this mean things don’t get in it?  No. Unfortunately, when we are not bubbled up and flowing energies properly, this allows for weaknesses in our energy system for other beings to attach to our energy.  Other beings could be other humans.  Sometimes people will cord into another person’s energy field because they want something.  They could have a “fatal attraction” like love for someone and want to be with them.   They could simply just like their energy and want to take some of their energy because it feels good to them.  They might want into their energy so they can influence that individual.  This often happens on an unconscious level without either party realizing what is happening with the energy.  The only thing people might be aware of is “this annoying person won’t leave me alone” or “I am obsessed with this person, and can’t get over them.”  Now is someone in your bubble just because they are standing right next to you?  Not necessarily.  If you are properly bubbled up, the person can be physically smashed up against you, and they are not in your energy.  Your energy field works on several layers and is not purely in the physical.  It is also not linear which is a trap that us physical beings get into when thinking about how energy works.  There is no time and space on the other side.

There are also non-physical humans that can influence our energy, and these are more commonly known as ghosts.  Ghosts are human spirits who for whatever reason have decided not to cross over and go back to Source where we came from.  They may be confused and not know they are dead.  They may have died so traumatically that they are seeking justice or revenge for their deaths.  They may not want to cross over out of fear of judgment for what they did in their lives or because they still want more life and to be around their family, friends, and places they knew while on earth in physical form.  Ghosts can attach to living humans out of confusion, to gain access to life force, or to try and communicate with the living. They may also be obsessed with a certain individual for whatever reason.

The far more sinister aspect of attachments involves non-human entities. These beings are all around us all over the planet, and most of the time most humans are completely unaware of them or even worse have chosen for whatever reason to believe they don’t exist. There are also humans that purposefully involve themselves with these dark beings to their own detriment. Negative entities can range from little slug like creatures that just get on your energy system to drain your energy, to entities that like to take possession of your physical body to make you do, say, think, or feel things that you wouldn’t normally do, say, think, or feel.  Then there is also the worst of the worst (I’m talking demons here), who can do such terrible things as cause the death and destruction of yourself, other beings, your environment, and the earth itself.  My purpose in bringing this up is not to scare you, but rather to give you information so you are informed and know how to protect yourself. Again these things are all around us all the time and have always been here. They can be very powerful and tricky, but it is important not to go into fear when dealing with such things.  The dark forces feed off of fear so getting scared actually makes you more vulnerable to being attacked or attached.  It is unfortunate that much of our society has relegated the belief in and knowledge of these forces to the trash can, because it does so at its own detriment. I will speak more about how to protect yourself from dark entities and ghosts in future posts, but in the meantime you can read more about some of this here.

Staying bubbled up helps protect a person from all these sorts of attachments.  They do not have as easy of an access point to get in.  Having attachments of any kind can cause disease…in fact many common diseases are actually caused by the presence of negative entities.  Western medicine can often find no cause or cure for many diseases, because it does not realize that the root cause is not in the physical body.  Having a negative entity pumping negative thoughts and emotions into an individual or draining your energy will do nothing but continue to cause disease over and over until it can be removed. Seeing an energy healer is one of the best options for fixing and clearing these sorts of problems.  Because of the nature of energy work, many energy workers and Reiki practitioners are also trained to do space clearings in addition to personal energy clearings.  Getting rid of potential negative entity and ghost problems in your home or office will help minimize the chances of getting an attachment on one’s own energy field.

Finally, the human energy system also stores energies, experiences, traumas, and karma from past lives (I’m talking reincarnation here). This energy can affect and alter the energy of an individual in their current lives as people continue to re-live old patterns. This energy can prevent people from living the lives they want to live, and can keep people contracted in fear and old programming. This is stored in the energy field until an individual can heal and get over these past patterns and traumas. Energy healers can help clear and heal these past life energies which is yet another benefit of seeing a healer.

I hope this three part series was helpful.  If you would like to book a personal session, please go here to find out more information.  I am trained to do everything I have talked about in these last three blog posts.  If you would like to read more about your human energy system, I highly recommend Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennan. She blends science and spirituality perfectly to provide a fantastic overview of energy healing and the human energy field.

The Body System Left Out in Health Class: Part 2

Today is the second installation of my three part series on the human energy system.  If you did not get a chance to read part 1, please go here


A key component of the human energy system is the swirling vortexes of energy known as chakras. The word chakra translates to the word wheel in Sanskrit. Chakras are the centers in our body of prana, life force, or vital energy. Each chakra corresponds to certain areas of the body, nervous system, and endocrine system, and each chakra has a different function. All humans and animals have chakras.

There are seven main chakras in the human energy system. There are also many more minor chakras all over the body. Some methods teach that there are even more chakras above and/or outside of the physical body, but still in the energy field. I included two diagrams because I have learned two different methods of defining the chakra colors. Visually you can see that the chakra colors correspond to the colors in a rainbow. The chakras can also be represented in sound by moving through each note in an octave. In some spiritual practices, people will chant in the notes throughout the scale to help balance, align, and connect with their chakras. Many people have assigned certain musical tones known as solfeggio frequencies to each chakra which can be used in music to help with healing, balancing, and aligning chakras through sound healing. For people that work with crystals in healing, crystals also can assist with healing certain chakras. Some crystals are specialized to address issues in an individual chakra.

Here is a brief overview of each of the chakras in our body and their function.

1st: Root Chakra – This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is represented by the color red. This is the chakra that grounds us to the earth plane. It pulls up earth energy and runs it through our energy system. A healthy root chakra should go all the way down our legs and into the ground. This chakra relates to our connection to the physical body and world around us. It also pertains to instinct, survival, security, human potential, and fear. It governs our bones, muscles, blood, colon, tailbone, and our entire region from our hips to our toes.

2nd: Sacral Chakra – This chakra is in the pelvic region and is represented by orange. This is our creative center and emotional body of our energy system. This chakra relates to sexual fulfillment, emotions, creating the lives we want to live, and our ability to accept change. This area connects to our reproductive system, lower back, appendix, urinary tract, bladder, kidneys, and adrenal glands.

3rd: Solar Plexus Chakra – This chakra is in the stomach or gut and is represented by yellow. This is our power center. Here we get strength, courage, will, autonomy, spontaneity, metabolism, ego, and energy. It is the mental body of our energy system.  This area pertains to the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, spleen, bile ducts, gall bladder, mid spine/back, and the endocrine system.

4th: Heart Chakra – This chakra is centered near the heart in our chest and is represented by green and sometimes pink. This is about giving and receiving love, both for ourselves and for other beings. It also relates to compassion and breathing in and loving the life around us. The heart is where our center is. It is where the physical meets the spiritual, where the human personality meets the Soul. This chakra connects with the heart, lungs, arms, hands, breasts, circulation, thymus gland, rib cage, and upper back.

5th: Throat Chakra – This chakra is located at our throats and is represented by blue. This is our communication center. It is about expression as well as speaking, living, and receiving truth. The throat chakra governs the mouth, jaw, teeth, gums, tongue, larynx, tonsils, adenoids, thyroid, the vertebrae in our neck, and the epiglottis. I have sometimes heard the nose and ears connected here as well as the arms and hands.

6th: Third Eye Chakra – This chakra is located on our foreheads between and above our eyes. Some systems have this chakra as indigo and some show this as violet. This chakra is about our intuition and awareness. It also balances our masculine, physical, logical, rational, giving selves (left brain which governs our right side of the body) with our feminine, non-physical, emotional, sensitive, nurturing, creative and receiving selves (right brain which governs our left side of the body). Our patriarchal society currently tends to put a ton of emphasis on preferring the masculine side, but to be healthy, we need both halves to be functioning and in balance. This chakra is connected to our brain, pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and our eyes. I have sometimes heard the nose and ears connected here as well.

7th: Crown Chakra – This chakra is located at the top of our heads. This is represented as either the color violet or the color white depending on which philosophy you go by. This is our chakra that connects us to Source (God/Goddess/Universe/Creator/Light and Love/our Higher Selves/our Soul/etc.) and spirituality. This is the chakra that pulls in energy from Source and moves it down throughout our body and into the ground. This chakra is also about Universal wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It governs the central nervous system and our skin.

Finally, you will notice from the pictures above that the root chakra connects us down with the earth and the physical while the crown chakra connects us to Source and the spiritual. The rest of the chakras extend out from the front and the back. On our front side, the chakras give out energy to the Universe and other beings. The back side of our chakras is where we receive energy. Both sides should be balanced to be in alignment. Many people either give too much or receive too much, and we need to do both to be in balance.

There is a tendency for people to believe that the lower chakras are “bad” while the upper chakras are “better.” This is simply not the case, and to ignore any of the chakras, one would be opening themselves up to disease. We need to be grounded and connected to this earth. It is true we are spiritual beings living lives in physical bodies, however part of the agreement to come to this physical plane is to experience the physical world in all its wonder and beauty. Our physical bodies need us to be connected to them and to this earth to maintain health, and this is what the lower chakras help us to do. It should come as no surprise that most of the diseases humans experience are usually rooted in imbalances in the lower three chakras.

Many times, there will be issues in several chakras involved in the cause of a disease or injury. However, you can get a sense of what might be the cause of a disease by looking at which body parts are affected and then examining which chakra that system or body part is governed by. For instance, someone who is feeling disconnected, lonely, and depressed could have an imbalance with their crown or root chakra. Someone with stomach and intestinal issues might be feeling powerless in their lives. Someone feeling guilt, shame, or frustration over how their life is going and what they have created for themselves might develop issues in the second chakra such as urinary tract or reproductive issues.

Sometime in the near future, I will be creating online chakra clearing energy sessions and protocols which I will stream free on my YouTube channel. These will be distance session so you will be able to access the healings just by watching and doing the protocols. I plan on diving deep into each chakra to open, clear, align, restructure, and reset each chakra. This process will facilitate rapid healing as you open all the scars from all the trauma and programming you have accumulated in our chakra systems. Unfortunately, the only way to heal is to move through these scars and release them so the process is challenging, but well worth the effort. You cannot block, ignore, or bury your head in the sand with your own personal healing or else you lock your energy system into the disease state. These protocols will heal on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I will post them to my blog as I complete them.

I also want to briefly mention the nadi and meridian systems in the body. Many who are familiar with kundalini, yoga, and eastern medicine practices such as acupuncture might already know a lot about these already, but they also pop up in my work as an energy healer.


Nadi is a Sanskrit word that is translated as tube, channel, or flow. Basically these are channels which life force energy, reiki, and prana can flow through in the body. There are estimated to be 72,000 nadis in the human body however there are three main nadis.

The three main nadis are:

  1. Ida nadi – Called the left channel, ida nadi starts in the muladhara (root) chakra, flowing to the left and weaving in and out of the chakras before ending in the left nostril. This nadi represents mental energy.
  2. Pingala nadi – Referred to as the right channel, pingala nadi also starts in the root chakra, but flows to the right, weaving in and out of the chakras in a mirror image of ida nadi and ending in the right nostril. Pingala nadi is the origin of prana.
  3. Sushumna nadi – The central channel, sushumna nadi runs straight up the spine and through the chakras from just below the root chakra to the sahasrara (crown) chakra. This is the nadi of spiritual awareness.


A meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of life force energy, reiki, and prana to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway. Energy workers can also flow energy up and down the meridians to help clear blockages and to help assist the body with healing. There are 14 main meridians which consist of 12 organ meridians and 2 centerline meridians. See the chart below to see where they fall on the body and which body parts are governed by each meridian.

That’s it for this week. Stay tuned for the final part next week! 🙂

The Body System Left Out of Health Class Part 1

There is a body system that should be taught along with all the rest of the systems in our health and human anatomy classes in school.  It is just as important as other vital systems such as the digestive system and the circulatory system.  However, most of modern society’s educational systems have chosen not to enlighten us and make us aware of this vital system.  This system is the human energy system.  Humans are not the only living creatures with an energy system.  All living beings have an energy system.  Although what the system looks like varies from being to being, it always serves the same function.  Since this information is so fundamental to a basic understanding of energy work, I plan on discussing this in several parts.

Today I want to talk about the general energy body.  This is our personal energy that makes up the area surrounding our body.  Another common term for this is our aura.  The aura is composed of many layers as well as the chakra system and meridians and nadis.  Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy that each specialize in bringing in particular energies needed for the body to function properly.  I will talk extensively about chakras in my next post.  It’s funny because so many people dismiss the aura and the chakra system as fantasy because they can’t see it and didn’t learn about it in health class.  I used to be one of those people.  But then as I went through my spiritual awakening, started doing yoga, and attuned myself to Reiki energies, I began to feel the energy body.  My chakras started vibrating, and I could feel what felt like a cell phone vibrating in all the areas where my chakras are located.  I began to see people’s auras when I stared at them.  I began to see and feel the energy around trees and animals.  Many people claim to even be able to read the energy and colors in people’s auras.  I mostly just see the energy and am not sold yet that one can make an accurate interpretation about an individual by looking at the colors in a person’s aura.  In actuality, we all have all the colors in our auras, and any one can be prominent at any time based on what our chakras and energy systems are doing.  And no color is better or worse than any other color.  They are all essential. You can however “read” the energy with your intuition and your senses outside of the typical five senses most humans possess.

The aura is composed of several layers.  Again, there is a lot of varying information out there on the amount and types of layers contained in the aura.  This can get overly complex as there are actually grids within the layers, so I am going to keep this simple for the sake of this post, and I will go with what I was taught and what I have experienced.  Our two main connections for energy as humans are to the Earth and to Source/God/Goddess/Universe/Spirit/etc. Source energy flows through the layers by starting at the furthest point out in the aura which are the spiritual layers.  It then moves down through the mental and emotional layers then to the closest layer which is the physical layer (again some people speak of many more layers but these four keep it simple).  These Source energies have many descriptions and can vary person to person based on how open and evolved they are. They can be white light, gold light, silver light, plasma light, platinum light, crystalline light, etc. We are moving further into the Age of Aquarius and these energies coming in have intensified and reached a higher more crystalline vibration which is helping shift the planet and its inhabitants to a higher more evolved state of being (see this post for more info). The other flow of energy we receive is from Mother Earth herself which keeps us grounded and connected to the Earth plane. These energies come up from the Earth and move through our physical layers of our energy system and then move upwards through the layers towards Source. When there are blockages in this system and energy doesn’t flow properly in either direction, eventually the individual will go into a state of disease or dis-ease.  The energy is not flowing properly or with ease.

Diseases and injuries never manifest in the physical body randomly.  From a Soul perspective everything happens for a reason or for us to learn some lesson.  Disease starts first with a problem in the spiritual level.  If the individual does not correct the problem there, the problem will move into the mental layer.  Again, if not addressed, it can move into the emotional layer, and finally if still not addressed, the physical body will come up with a physical representation of the spiritual problem to get your attention to address the issue.  This whole process can occur over a long time or it can occur rather quickly – instantly in the case of an injury. I will give an example to illustrate.  Say a person believes they are worthless on a spiritual level.  They don’t understand their purpose and they don’t love and value their Soul, other people, and their connection to Source.  As this issue moves into the mental layer, a person may actually think thoughts like “I am worthless” or “I hate myself and my life” or “I hate everyone.” As this issue moves into the emotional layer, they may begin to feel depressed, lonely, sad, angry, and a variety of other negative feelings.  Feelings and thoughts are energy and these things do hold power and can manifest and create.  We want to carefully monitor our thoughts and feelings because they are telling us something.  Finally, if the individual still has not adjusted their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about themselves and their Soul and other people, the body may manifest a disease on the physical level such as a heart attack to represent this person’s lack of love for self and others.  Lack of love is a huge problem, and there are any number of diseases that can manifest with it!  There are also other energetic problems that can cause a heart attack.  I just used this as an example.  Reiki practitioners and energy workers can help heal and prevent diseases and injuries by flowing Source energy into the aura and the energy body in an attempt to help cleanse, clear, charge, transform, transcend, transmute, restructure, align, release, soften, balance, expand, and unblock these areas that are stuck and causing problems.

Why do some people who smoke (or even who do not smoke) get lung cancer and some who smoke like chimneys do not?  Again, this comes down to having all the right conditions for the disease to manifest.  The spiritual problem is the root of disease and needs to be present for the disease to manifest in the physical.  Even with diseases that are genetic, there is still an energetic component. Energy patterns get trapped through ancestry and ancestral karma and thus can pass from parent to child to grandchild and so forth down the family lines until some individual in the family breaks the pattern and heals the energetic problem in themselves which stops it from manifesting down the blood lines. Many people have come down on the planet at this time to help heal ancestral lines and stop the patterns of disease and dysfunction that keep spreading amongst family systems on Earth. Another interesting fact is that each organ and body system in the physical body corresponds to certain mental/emotional/spiritual areas. This is why as a practitioner, I can usually tell what mental/emotional/spiritual problems people have based on their physical injuries, ailments, and diseases.

If you are curious about what body part corresponds to what, here is a chart! This is what I have gleaned from my studies and experiences. Others might have different ideas.

  • Brain – negative thought patterns; what are the main thoughts a person is holding?
  • Thyroid – truth, things not said, holding back, living and speaking your truth, lies.
  • Thymus – battle between head and heart, moving away from instinct.
  • Heart and Blood – beliefs, giving and receiving love both for self and others, grief.
  • Lungs – ability to take things in, breathe in life and experience; upper is truth/middle is love/lower is connection to deeper self.
  • Stomach – ability to digest life; worry, what is a person storing?
  • Pancreas – assimilation to life
  • Liver – anger, toxic emotions
  • Gallbladder – resentment
  • Appendix – related to the immune system; how one is filtering things that are good/not good to absorb/process/assimilate.
  • Spleen and Lymph – emotions and emotional layer
  • Adrenals and Kidneys – fear, fight/flight/freeze
  • Small Intestine – personal power
  • Large Intestine – stress, ability to release and let go.
  • Bladder – frustration
  • Ovaries and Uterus – being female: role as a woman/mother, creating a life free from guilt.
  • Prostate and Testes – being male: role as a man/father, strength, healthy sense of power.
  • Shoulders – burdens one carries, weight of the world.
  • Elbows – flexibility with life
  • Arms – comforting self and others; giving and receiving.
  • Wrists – what one is allowing oneself, wrists act as a throttle.
  • Hands – what one is allowing in with regards to giving/receiving
  • Knees – flexibility with self
  • Legs and feet – grounding, supporting of self, issues connecting to and accepting the earth plane.
  • Spine – how one is supported by self and others.
  • Eyes/Sight – what a person is seeing/not seeing within life, situations, soul plan; connected to both physical & non-physical realms.
  • Ears/Hearing – belief structures and patterns from childhood; sensitive to truth and lies, can people hear truth?
  • Nose/Smell – connecting memories both short-term and long-term; this also relates to self-esteem and self-expression.
  • Skin – represents outer layer of a person’s energy field; protection and boundaries; is there someone or something that is invading a person’s energy field?
  • Excessive Body Fat – self-esteem/worth issues; needing extra protection from people and the world.

Look for several more blog posts on the energy system.  I was going to write it in one, but I think I have enough info to fill several.  I just want to put down a basic overview for people to understand a little more of what it is I do, and hopefully so people can learn a little more about themselves!